The Presidency of the Joes, part II: lol documents

At this point I think they’re going to pause again. We’re starting to run up against deadlines to notify people that their payments are about to restart.

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Yeah if it makes you feel any better that place will probably get a Michelin star at some point, so replication wasn’t going to happen. Just go when you get stuck going to Austin for work sometime in the next decade.

The good news is that the breakfast taco is extremely easy to execute. It’s really good street food like any other taco. I will never understand why it hasn’t spread further.

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I will certainly be open to the opportunity, but I’m not going to be holding my breath. While I travel for work as a field-based employee, one of my counterparts is based in Austin, so tragically I’m unlikely to head there for work. Got an old friend in San Antonio I wouldn’t mind seeing again, though, nor would I mind seeing Austin for pleasure (I’ve only been to the Austin airport), so we’ll see.

Traveling in Mexico one of my biggest let downs was that they don’t really do breakfast tacos except at gringo places.

Also the breakfast tacos at Valentina’s are awesome, although this might sound like blasphemy but I thought there was too much meat lol. Threw off the filling:egg ratio!

Frijoles tambien


Dem leadership is having a 4pm dinner tomorrow (plenty of parking, no stairs) to discuss how restarting loans will reduce those borrowers’ ability to buy hifi stereos and crackerjack and will help keep inflation under control


Good news for Newsom

I thought it had to be really specific (due date, payment amounts, etc).


The sequel is a real summer blockbuster: hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, drought, famine, and pestilence. And only one man can save us:



+1 for HEB tortilla’s and tex mex in general

how it started

how it’s going


I was bitching about this last night and my 16 year old said “it would be a hype power move if biden goes to shake his hand and hits him with one of those hand buzzers”


should have given him a gold-plated bone saw


like, does he not realize the optics of this or doesn’t care? No one around him is telling him? what exactly is going on here?

Our response to Saudi Arabia telling us to fuck off is to kiss their ass.

Yeah, this. If killing another Middle Eastern journalist would bring gas prices down a quarter, most Americans would be hoping that MBS would do it and a lot would be pissed off if Biden tried to discourage that.


In March SA had a mass execution of 81 people, some charged with “disrupting the social fabric and national cohesion”.

Thankfully something like that could never happen in the USA, the Greatest Country On Earth!