The Presidency of the Joes, part II: lol documents

Some might say it’s a hallmark of men of low intellect.

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I’m saying the need to learn how to suck up more and be will to take more short-term losses with the goal of amassing power.

And that’s only the easiest way. There are harder paths one can travel down.

Establishment Dems aren’t a bunch of idiots propped up by corporate money. Most of the are legitimately popular with their constituents. They are not going away.

Basically, you need a progressive movement capable of compromise and knowing how to accept some losses in exchange for clear wins.


And yet the country improved dramatically for huge amounts of less-advantaged people over the last 50 years.

Also, someone who does a few things you don’t approve of should probably not be classified as “a piece of shit” tantamount to actual pieces of shit like MTG, Trump, Mitch, etc.

Parts of the progressive left are so goddam sensitive MLK’s philandering would have sent him to the gulags.

I’m not even sure they’re really eDem stans. I think they are conservatives who see it as their mission to push the party as far right as possible. I honestly wonder if they even vote in general elections. No one who’s actually voted Dem their entire adult lives would be so hostile to the folks who are tired of Dems not delivering.


The slightest pushback to nihilists equating Biden with Trump is “so hostile”. Also, I, for one, am frustrated by Biden and the Democrats’ inability to get things done; the GOP outmaneuvered them over the last several years. But that’s MORE of a reason to try to squeeze the GOP out completely.

Nothing like this happened.

I may be overreacting, but it seems as if Biden has been put to the sword about “being a segregationist”, doing nothing to stop “kids from being in cages”, and other pejorative framings that implicitly equate him with Trump. I’ve read posts stating that Trump even gave more money than Biden in relief checks. It doesn’t seem like a crazy stretch to see the equivalence being drawn.

Maybe so but I think we are in a time period where accelerationist political thinking and rhetoric is more merited than other times. It may be necessary to actual get change done. The world seems on a knifes edge in lots of areas (climate change, resurgent inequality, war, failing democratic institutions) right now.

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“Fan fiction left” eh, let’s see what hard-nosed appraisal of reality looks like:

Observable reality is irrelevant to this faction of the left. The only thing that matters is that President Barack Obama and the Democrats did not codify Roe v. Wade as federal law when they controlled Congress from 2009 to 2011. But this argument ignores that Obama and Democrat lawmakers spent those two years pushing through a massive stimulus package in the middle of financial collapse and then passing the most consequential expansion of the welfare state since the 1960s, the Affordable Care Act, which enabled more than 20 million Americans to receive health care for the first time.

So the argument is that the Democrats were just too busy to pass a fucking bill for two years and if they had been less busy they’d totally have done it? As fan fiction goes, this is about as plausible as Harry Potter slash fic where Harry gets fucked by Hagrid.


Frankly the kids in cages thing and the segregationist stuff are just reality. It’s what Biden has spent part of his life doing. No he isn’t a monster on the level of Trump and I think a vast majority here would prefer Biden for right now over Trump. He is objectively a better current president.

Where things get interesting is how the Biden admin impacts the future. I haven’t seen anyone say Biden is equivalent to Trump for the present day. Like we don’t have to sit around and wonder if Trump is racist. With Biden at latest maybe he is less racist than he was and he definitely isn’t overtly racist in 2022.

That being said my anger is that in 2022 we have a do nothing president who at bare minimum was a racist in the 70s. That’s the best we could pull off versus Trump. I don’t regret my vote but the whole situation just feels horrifically hopeless. And like mukduk said if there is no path to saving human rights and the planet (which frankly are bare minimum goals at this point) through the current Democratic Party then accelationism isn’t that irrational. It isn’t irrational to hate them for the results of the time they have had with power. They will never be the solution and the sooner we turn on them and replace them with something better the better off we will be.


Biden may spite cancel nothing at all now on student loans.

This administration clearly has no interest in fighting Republicans and is going to blame all their failures on the people on the left who were right about them all along.


Agreed, and the GOP will drive us off the cliff 100% of the time. The Democrats, in states where they have actual power (Illinois, for example) are doing good work. I’m not going to defend the record nationally of late, but it’s the better choice, almost certainly, to support Democrats and try to win push for filibuster proof or super majorities.

btw I had forgotten about this amazing Isaac Chotiner interview with Valerie Jarrett, a former senior adviser to Obama. It’s from 2019.

What I was unprepared for when I arrived in Washington—and it took me a good while to figure out—is that the Republicans were willing, in the middle of the worst economic crisis of our lifetime, to put their short-term political interests ahead of what was good for the country. When President Obama was a senator in Springfield, even a junior senator, he had this ability to work across the aisle. That was a strategy that he employed and that we all followed when we first arrived in Washington, and we hit a wall. I was not prepared for that, and that took some getting used to. He tried a thousand different ways to get them to come around.

If this had been clear to you and everyone in the Administration on January 20, 2009, what do you think you could have done differently?

I think we would have done the same thing, and that is try, because it seemed unbelievable to us, and we felt that we owed it to the American people to try mightily to change their minds. So we tried all kinds of strategies to get the Republicans to come to the table and meet us not even halfway—just a little bit of the way. All of the changes and amendments, for example, that were made to the Affordable Care Act were designed to try to make it bipartisan. We had the votes if we’d wanted to just push through what we wanted from the beginning.

I mean there you have it. If we’d known the Republicans were completely hostile to what we were doing we’d have tried to appease them anyway. Beyond parody.


Can someone explain the rationale behind restarting student loans right before the midterms that are going to nuke a lot of the key Dem voting demographics? For @iron81 or @NoMatterWho I would love to hear a rational defense of how this is good policy or good politics? It reeks of losing on purpose to me.

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Yes, I’ve been getting into screaming matches with my family and co workers for years because I’m a conservative.

The only real difference between some of you and Edems are the words that you type in a forum. Some of you are so addicted to reducing other people to delineate yourself and your political identity that you need Trump.

He has probably traded McConnell for an extra $50 in his next budget. Bipartisanship!

This is wrong. Definitely for House races in 2022 as the House is long gone. I’ll listen to the argument for key senate races but otherwise there is no reason at all to vote for these people.


The only thing I can think of is Biden’s “return to normal” post-Covid pitch is aligned with student loan payments resuming. Obviously, this would not be a politically sound move without some sort of forgiveness attached.

You are not wrong. There is too much of this. Here and on the left in general. The purity testing is really harmful to progress.

I was you a year ago. But you have to admit that the last year has been very bad for eDems. They have failed at every single challenge. Their response to the overturning of Roe will go down as the biggest political failure in a century.

I don’t know you well enough to understand your politics exactly but I have no doubt you are not a conservative. That is a dumb comment. We need to stop acting like anyone one inch left or right of us is the devil.

That said, you have to see that continuing to support to eDems has close to zero chance of creating the progressive outcomes we want.

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My only point, literally, was that Joe Biden is not a segregationist. I would have bet alot of money that is a Fox News headline over something posted here.

After Biden won the election, I posted here that I felt all it really did was buy everyone 4 years to build a homestead. I posted this multiple times. I am a fuckup that does not have the resources to do so, but many of you do.

For simply putting a rifle and ammo at the top of my procurement list based on rarity, I was cartooned as some kind of deplorable nutjob. Whatever.

If people really feel this strongly about things, strong enough to accuse a fellow poster of supporting actual segregation with zero evidence, but aren’t actually taking steps to get ready, then I fail to see how they are any different than establishment democrats.

ETA: accuse a fellow poster