The Presidency of the Joes, part II: lol documents

That is incredible

Is this not accurate?

Trump did $1200 and then $600.

Biden did $1400.

Of course. My point is that saying “Trump did more for Covid relief than Biden” is Fox News chyron level deceptive. And it makes the case for Trump >= Biden.

Hey man they were busy passing Romneycare and bailing out banks, what more do you want

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I’m kind of torn on how much good feds codifying Roe v Wade would have done.

Maybe it would have helped. Maybe SC would have Calvinballed it away saying that their reading of the constitution tells them to leave the decision to individual states.

Seems pretty insane to drag Biden for shit views from 45 years ago when he has so many shit views he is actively promoting now



wear a mask ffs it’s a 5 day iso rec from the cdc

I mean I hate those too even though they are slightly better. Being the leading figure of the left most party of the US when you were were a Senator and the figurehead of segregation in a northern state a decade after the civil rights bill was passed is complete insanity.

He absolutely was a leading figure of segregation in the 1970s. He was still paling around with Robert Byrd until nearly the Obama administration and he was literally in the KKK. That isn’t debateable. Again that was a long time ago and he does seem to hold somewhat better views now. But acting like he wasn’t that into almost middle age and litetally best buds with a KKK member fairly recently without any doubt is just not accepting reality.

It’s absolutely wild that we are seeing people here do the Ron Paul newsletter defense again.

Hahaha please tell me you’re leveling here.

They are. Because they fucking VOTE.

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My point is that breaking promises to blacks would be more harmful than breaking promises to progressives.

I’m not sure why you think anyone with an ounce of self respect would respond to someone who accused them of supporting segregation.

Read the whole thing if you haven’t. There are several more gems in there. Really astounding interview. Her answers read like they were made up by someone as a satire of West Wing brain-poisoned eDems.

Because people here seem to be responding to a “Joe Biden was a segregationist” argument with “not really”. I’ve definitely clarified that it’s unknowable if he still is.

Do you agree he was a segregationist?

Do you think having that as the figurehead of the leftmost major party in the us is ok?

This also took so long in large part because they wasted six months on trying to make it bipartisan. Biden of course learned nothing from this failure.


Your strategy has literally no path to reach your professed goal.

Literally no chance the Republican state legislatures ever allow a Democratic supermajority.

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What if Democrats are voted into control of those state legislatures?

Also, I’m not entirely clear on how GOP legislatures control congressional elections. Arizona and Georgia each elected two Democratic senators in states controlled by Republican legislatures (and governors).

Well that’s because you apparently don’t read the news, you don’t understand how gerrymandered state legislatures are, and you can’t understand what’s on the Supreme Court docket for next term. Sounds like a you problem.

Its almost like it was important to do useful things during the last two years and not defer to the feelings of Joe Manchin and useless boomers.

Not to mention eDems had a supermajority recently. They don’t codify Roe and they spent six months negotiating with Republicans and then passed Romneycare

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The nuanced take is that Biden probably opposed de jure segregation but tolerated de facto segregation. We can debate whether he supported rather than tolerated the latter or was merely deferring to constituents who might have voted him out if he has supported busing.

Arguably, opposing busing was a legitimate strategy if the goal was to prevent the defection of non-Southern white working class voters to the Republicans. Was that a pragmatic choice that was reasonable to pursue or should busing have been a hill to die on even if you knew it was going to cost election?