The Presidency of the Joes, part II: lol documents

No one is ever allowed to grow or change their minds, don’t you know that?

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Ok can we all just agree Biden was a segregationist at the beginning of his political career? Does anyone really debate that? I already posted maybe he changed although that is unknowable.

I’ll admit IS was a bad choice of word in that first post. He certainly was one though. A very active one. And it wasn’t like he was that young. He was in his 30s.

The dude still tells insane racist stories about corn pop chains and razor blades though so I don’t think it’s exactly a forgone conclusion he is that reformed.

He was also specifically picked to make Obama feel safer to racist and racist adjacent whites in 2008.

Also a few of you are really strawmanning my main point which is that it wasn’t exactly unpredictable this was going to be the result. It was the inteded and predicatable result. There was never any chance Biden was going to be even an average president or do even a fraction of what he ran on. There was never any serious intention to even try. Also Biden is a terrible politician and has done way more damage than good in his 50 years in public office.

Literally no one is in favor of busing kids away from their neighborhood school anymore. It’s outside the Overton Window.

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There is a reason for that. Which is that the degree of integration is a lot different than it was 50 years ago. It still needs to be better. There is still de facto segregation in places. But you know that even though you will pretend being against it now would be the same thing as the early 70s. Defending Joe Biden’s segregationist history in 2022 is wild to me. Doesn’t shock me you would be an apologist for 70s era racists though (or that Ikes would like your post).

ETA-NBZ off the top ropes.

Biden was against bussing black kids into all white schools. Or basically he was against this:

And we have at least 2 people here saying that is totally fine. That pretty much sums up why the Dem party sucks in a nutshell. Willing to defend Joe Biden at all costs rather than having any actual ideals.

Nobody said that. You are unhinged.

You picked the 2 people who you believe are the least popular in this forum. Even though more than that argued against your ridiculous overreach.

These are really cheap shots.


You are all straw-manning each other.

Biden was a segregationist 40 years ago

He isn’t anymore (based on best evidence)

Biden is a bog standard eDem

He isn’t evil. He thinks he is doing good. He just believes the status quo is the most important thing on earth.

He is trapped in a 1970s understanding of how politics works which leads him to do nothing, ever.


I’m pissed off we still have several EDem stans willing to go to bat for this shit. Yes several people are defending Biden. Including you. He is and always has been a giant pile of shit.

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Probably correct. Leaving it there for tonight. This back and forth reminds me why I rarely post anything here anymore. It just makes me angry and is completely pointless.

It’s not worth discussing Biden and the current establishment anymore. They are worthless and just an impediment to progress.

We should be talking about how to build a progressive party in light of those road blocks.


Biden is old school and probably believes he’s supposed to reflect the views of his constituents. Back then, he reflected the views of the white working class who were a bigger part of the Democratic Party back then and who were more than a little racist.

The party has evolved and he evolved with it, but his political instinct will probably still be to cater to those parts of the party that backed him the strongest during the primaries.


I need to let my anger about the last 6 or so years go. I’m getting there. You are 100% right that it isn’t constructive and there are more constructive outlets. I mean hell you and I had this go round over a year ago and it accomplished nothing except antagonize each other. I’m generally lashing out at the situation so I will apologize to the people here who took the brunt of it and move on.


It did accomplish something. I’m on your side now. It can work! :grin:

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The easiest way to build a progressive party is to have progressives be loyal lieutenants to the current leadership of the Democratic Party and get in position to inherit party leadership as the old guard ages out of the equation.

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Well that’s something i suppose. I wish you were right though.

Me too!

None of them are lieutenants to anyone. They are actively marginalized.

The only hope for a progressive movement is destruction of the eDems.

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How so?

Standard closet segregationist conduct.

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