The Presidency of the Joes, part II: lol documents

I tried. The bullet points are simply nonsense.

the fan fiction left would have its subscribers believe that most Trump supporters are modern day incarnations of Tom Joad, the protagonist of John Steinbeck’s “The Grapes of Wrath.” With only a few speeches, Sanders would have converted them to democratic socialism. Similarly, warnings about the dangers of Trump are signs of “liberal hysteria.”


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Have you been under a rock asshole? Dems deliver.

Yea that’s internally inconsistent. Fan fiction leftists are complaining that Democrats didn’t use their power when they had it but also have no interest in power.

Well, he ran for senate, but everyone was too busy slurping Fetterman’s balls to even realize how fucking amazing Kenyatta is.

Biden is a segregationist, a moron and indistinguishable from a 90s era Republican. The powers that be slapped a fresh coat of paint on him, got the media to do the socialist scare routine on his behalf and here we are.

Expecting anything different than this was the part that always surprised me about some here(a much smaller minority still are defending it) and the general Dem pundit class.

If you were trying to tank the country and send us into a fascist regime next would it look any different?

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Is he better than Fetterman, though? I’m legit asking. I’ve got no idea. Either of them have an infinite VORP compared to the GOP candidate, so I’m not sure how much it matters.


How? Basically being a patsy who does miserably while being a member of the supposed left leaning party seems like a recipe for GOP/fascist rule. Maybe permanently.

Not really arguing the point but seems doubtful a true fascist would support UKR.

I sometimes wonder if he’s been compromised by some fear of Hunter going to prison.

There’s nothing eDems hate more than winning lol

I mean, the eDems wanted Conor Lamb, so they were busy, too.

Maybe i made my point ineloquently. Joe isn’t a fasict himself. He was installed by people who want to make sure the Dem party is a hated joke. Putting in a bumbling idiot where you can paint his mostly right wing views as socialist shifts the overton window way way right. That’s happening and exactly what a lot of the powers that be want.

it’s really rare for something to be able to trigger me like this, it’s hilariously bad.

like what the fuck who is this guy? please tell me no one takes him seriously. of course this is what he looks like:

on his personal site at the very top he describes himself as brilliant but in a humblebragged unattributed quote about himself. omg.

Trump supporters, regardless of how hateful, irrational and violent they become, are merely misled members of the proletariat class.

the link he references is like 7 years old. who has ever said this? what?

this isn’t even really talked about anymore and irrelevant to almost everything going on today except that yes even most democrats back then would have readily admitted e-dems were/are scumbags.

has literally anyone ever said this? what?

The US should not provide aid to the Ukrainian struggle

people think this? who? doesnt ukraine support have overwhelming support like across the board? lol what?

is that the Democrats have sold out to corporate interests, and refuse to make a genuine effort.

i mean like? jeez louise

Fetterman is way more electable, for starters. For some good reasons, but largely for bad ones - that there are probably enough moderates and independents in PA who are at least somewhat racist to make a significant difference.

But Fetterman is also more populist imo, and that’s good in the current environment.

I’d love to see Kenyatta primary Casey, though, and he’d get my primary vote for sure in that one.

IMO both Fetterman and Kenyatta would currently be top 5 US Senators, if not higher.

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Naw, my response was off the mark.

I do think segregationist is pretty unfair and incorrect.

That was basically my level one analysis. If there is one thing we can count on, it’s racism.

Any substantial policy differences between the two?

I mean he was buds with Byrd who was in the KKK and Biden was also anti-school bussing. He is also old enough to have been in the Dem party with plenty of despicable racist creatures. Maybe he changed his mind but he definitely was.

Yeah. Kenyatta is not for single payer and backed Biden over Bernie in the primary. Fetterman is way more fiscally progressive. Fetterman is bad on some foreign policy.

Kenyatta gets the situation and the stakes and the need to nuke the filibuster, but he’s not as far left as Fetterman, who also gets those things. Kenyatta is very good at the passionate floor speech to bring attention to an issue. Fetterman is very good at social media.

Dealing with those types was always going to be a part of history.

This feels like calling Lincoln a racist.

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Biden wasn’t just rubbing elbows. He was leading the charge in the mid-70s.