The Presidency of the Joes, part II: lol documents

Give me 1% of this from someone, anyone with real power.


Lazy and arrogant

In the words of the Cincinnati Reds’ general manager: “Well, where are you going to go?”

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Talk about telling on yourself.

Sounds like voting for Biden in 2024 not important on the abortion front.

Paint that ticket blue. It’s the only way.

Biden officials literally telling you that won’t do anything, but OK, vote hard!

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Don’t vote for Democrats and the GOP will have you longing for the current status quo. There’s no depths they won’t sink to. Maybe the Democrats secretly don’t care about abortion, but I’d rather place my bet that with super majorities in Congress and the White House they’d improve the situation more than Trump/RDS and McConnell.


No surprises really. Biden has an anti-abortion voting history going back to the 70s and 80s. Probably was low-key happy with SCOTUS.

Lmaoooo super majorities. Thanks for checking in totally random centrist who just found UP.

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I mean he is right. Biden has realized that the bar has been set so low that he actually doesn’t have to be good at his job. He only has to be better than his opponent.

He has to at least be good enough that people will make the effort to vote for him. He’s not close to clearing that bar for me and millions of others.

Agreed that Dems will still get the votes of cousin chezlaw and company who think 40 years of women being treated subhuman is fine as long as muh norms are ok and Brett Kavanaugh maintains his constitutional right to eat steak in perfect comfort. Hearty lol at that ever being a supermajority. (To be clear, no, people shouldn’t fuck with his kids. Fucking with his meals and fucking with places that serve him so that businesses no longer want to serve him are both very acceptable and applaudable forms of direct action until we get court reform)


“they had a plan to deliver what their voters wanted and we knew it and we continued doing nothing” is all I see there

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biden’s really fucked. one of the lowest info friends i have (but far from dumb), votes blue no matter what, went on a tirade about biden last night and how it’d be “irresponsible” if the party let him run. his approval polls are at sub-trumpian levels right now. what the fuck is he doing?


Working hard, thank you!


this is the most incoherent, nonsensical, and delusional analysis of ths situation I’ve yet read:

I dare anyone to make it to the end. apparently it’s “operationally republican” for the “fan fiction left” to ask their elected leaders to do the things they said they would, or at least try to do those things. hell, at this point, I think a lot of us would take a half assed attempt at LOOKING like they’re trying to do something over what exists now.

Or hardly working?


Good he has been absolute worthless dogshit for a year now. He did a few good things in the first 6 months an since then has literally done zero. Fuck him.

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