The Presidency of the Joes, part II: lol documents

Carrying carts in your luggage out of Russia is pretty dumb.

I really hope she gets home but if she is being treated the same as the average Russian citizen I’m not sure what can be done.

Give me a break, her WNBA salary is $225k plus whatever she could get in endorsements. Sure, it’s not Phil Mickelson going to LIV, it’s some guy who would occasionally make the cut on the tour. The vitriol in such a situation wouldn’t come until he started claiming that Biden was leaving him to rot because he is a straight white guy. In which case, you and the entire board would be laughing in his face.

I’m sure the cowardly cops and firefighters who are spreading this meme will appreciate any help you can give them:

In 2020, sure, not much more sleazy than than what the average person does to grab their bag. In early 2022, sleazier and greedier than average to over there when the drumbeat of war was loudly banging and Russia was getting ready to annihilate Ukraine.

Late 2022, blaming Biden and making arguments you know are bullshit to get him to make concessions to the worst guys who are killing people by the hundreds or thousands per day after you got yourself in trouble with them. Definitely sleazy.

It’s privilege in practice. Russia wants a weapons dealer to be released who was notorious for instigating wars around the world. Biden is refusing because he thinks it would be terrible for lots of people around the world if this guy got back in business, not because Griner is a gay, black woman. And her people 100% know that.

She is Worm getting herself in trouble with Teddy KGB in this situation and Biden is Mike McDermott. Sure, Biden should try to help her but let’s not get the basic facts twisted.

Except I’m not upset with her and her PR team because she protested the national anthem. It’s because she is trying to force the US to take actions that are going to fuck over people less fortunate than herself to get herself out of a bad spot.

Even in the days leading up until the invasion a good chunk of Ukraine and the West didn’t think Putin would invade. Yet, you call her greedy and sleezy for traveling to Russia in order to work.

The adjective I see as most fitting is hubris, for her bringing drugs into Russia.

Assuming the drugs weren’t planted.

Wasn’t that long ago, we all remember. US was saying Russia was definitely going to attack and people weren’t sure what level they were on in announcing that publicly.

If my work told me to go to Russia in early 2022, I would have told them to go fuck themselves. No way in hell would I seek to go their on my own for a side gig with a Russian oligarch.

She is a frightened civilian being held in a hostile, foreign country as a pawn in a larger conflict.

And you’re blaming her for the possibility that others may negotiate a rescue price that you think is too high?

I’m fascinated that this is a hill you want to die on.

Having worked in the basketball industry a bit and been around a lot of (then) D-League (now) G-League guys who played overseas in the offseason, I wouldn’t be surprised at all if a significant percentage of them knew nothing about the geopolitical situations in parts of the world they were going to. In many cases they’re leaning on their agent to advise them and weigh the different offers. The agent is incentivized to take the highest offer and has little/no incentive to avoid risks like this, so… There are a ton of variables here, and Griner may or may not have blame beyond just being ignorant of the situation and trusting her agent.

And now, what’s she supposed to do? What are her agent and family supposed to do? Not try to ask/pressure Biden to help? Let her rot over there?

So, I don’t know, I’m not losing any sleep over it and I don’t feel as much sympathy for her as I do for the millions of people who are being more severely impacted by this war. She almost certainly could have gotten a pretty decent bag of money somewhere safer and more morally acceptable (not like Russia is the only country with an overseas league right?), that’s true, but I think anyone with a hardline take on either side on this on Griner’s decisions and blame is probably overdoing it.


They can ask for whatever they want. When they claim they are being denied because of her characteristics they are outright lying and engaging in deplorable behavior. The truth is they are demanding the lives of others whose names we will never know to be sacrificed because of her celebrity status and they are trying to manipulate the public into believing the opposite.

  1. That’s ridiculous. She’s in a russian gulag. You would do the same.
  2. Can you explain who is getting fucked over by her actions? Also how that happens exactly.

We’re not looking for much. When this looks heroic by comparison, you suck at politics Joseph


There isn’t going to be another democratic president in any of our lifetimes.


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Putin is demanding one of the most notorious weapons dealers of all-time be released in exchange for Griner’s release:

Called the “Merchant of Death,” cute nickname. And 55 years old, so plenty of good years dealing death ahead of him.

Biden caves and let’s this guy out for Griner. Dude gets back in the business of arming the worst dictators in the world. And those dictators do what they do, slaughter people. Or maybe he turns over a new leaf and “plays it straight,” doing weapons supply chain logistics for Putin in the Ukranian war or some shit.

Fine that you are ignorant that this is the deal on the table, but Griner’s people are well aware. They just don’t care.

Sounds like thats something putin is doing, not griner

Don’t want him cutting in on Uncle Sam’s business


The culpability of Griner’s people is lying that Biden is not getting her out because he doesn’t care about her because of her characteristics when they know the truth is that Biden just doesn’t want to take an action that will directly lead to the death of thousands of other people.