The Presidency of the Joes, part II: lol documents



This is the guy that the Nic Cage movie Lord of War was based on.



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That’s a no for me dawg

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So it’s ok if we don’t vote now?

Victor Bout still got those connects.

I mean, he’s not wrong.


This right wing rhetoric drives me nuts. Like ohhh gun free zones don’t work, chessmate, libtards, gotta give up any attempts to end this. No, fuck you gun nutter, it’s like someone’s bleeding out and you took all the gauze and stitches and now you’re mocking us for trying to use band aids instead of letting the dude bleed out.

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I’m gonna call bullshit on her on this part:

There is a time for being critical of lawmakers and leaders of our own party, and asking them to do better -all for it.

I’d like to see some receipts from her on that one. No way she’s all for it. The eDems are to their angry base as the right wing is to BLM protesters. No matter what time, place, or method of protest they pick, it’s always going to be wrong. It’s always going to be “we support your right to protest, just not like this, not right now.”

Can’t do it when they’re trying to negotiate and compromise to pass a bill because you’ll sink the efforts, can’t do it approaching the midterms because you’ll sink the elections, can’t do it during the primary campaigns cause you’ll hurt them in the general.

Isn’t this the guy the movie Lord of War was based off of?

Which movie was your pony was based off of?


Is it also possible that the Kremlin is telling her what they want her family and lawyers to say to the American press to hurt Biden?

It’s standard right wing rhetoric - they frame all government action they don’t like as “This government action doesn’t eliminate the problem 100% perfectly or work perfectly efficiently in every way, so we shouldn’t do it.” This works on both stupid conservative voters (YEAH WE SHOULDN’T DO IT IT DOESN’T EVEN WORK!) and stupid centrist reach-across-the-aisle types (GOOD POINT MY NOBLE CONSERVATIVE FRIEND, WE WILL TAKE THIS BACK AND WORKSHOP IT FOR TWO MORE YEARS!).

They, of course, don’t hold government action they like to the same standard. Infinite money is always required for war and cops even though the amount they are getting now clearly isn’t “solving the problem”. Tax cuts for the rich to stimulate the economy are always required even though they never seem to help anyone but rich people.


As in “gimme $7 to help PROTECT ROE!”

Zero percent chance dems actually use this massive unpopular decision to their benefit other than fundraising.


Also, as hated as the decision is, abortion polls as like the 7th most important thing with voters, with like 5 of the first 6 being all things the current admin is sucking at right now.

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Waiting for that 3 cent price drop in 2 weeks.


Lololol gas stations have like sub-1% margins and are almost all mom and pop franchises

A+ Joe or whatever moron is running your shitposting

The executive power of asking firmly

yeah “for once” as if that didn’t just happen in 2020