The Presidency of the Joes, part II: lol documents

“I’m going to do everything in my power I legally can do in terms of protecting abortion, as well as pushing Congress and the public,” Biden said Thursday


There isn’t a single great president in our history who would have cared about legally here.

Fucking hell


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What the fuck?

That was Miss Teen South Carolina level incoherence.

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C’mon people now, smile on your brother


It’s a 30 second clip. She is clearly indicating the climate is a priority and the US plans to convene, together with other major institutions and powers, to tackle it.

Why is there this breathless insistence on perfect eloquence all the time? I blame The Daily Show.

Whats the deal with this JB pritzker dude?

Governor of Illinois? What about him?

Apparently there is some speculation he might be a dem candidate for prez.

For some reason Chapo said he is the only Dem with the stomach to do what needs to be done.

I mean, why not, I suppose? It’s not like the field is littered with obvious contenders. Seems like this may be the time governors’ names get thrown in more than usual.

Did they say why or give any context? That’s kind of surprising to hear.

Its the Roe/Wade episode. I think Matt Christman says “except for Big JB”… or it might have JV. No context was given. Will try to find it a bit later.

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Yeah, it was JB Pritzker. They’re going into it a bit more in the latest bonus episode. Basically “He’s fat and a bit dumb, Americans love that”.

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You sure he didn’t mean Americans are that?


He certainly has the appetite for the office.


Also, part of a family of hotel magnates (the Hyatt chain) and co-chaired the 2008 Hillary Clinton campaign. I’m sure UP would love the guy.

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Basically the thesis is that he has the money to do stuff independent of the DNC and he is a big social issues guy, like a big pro-choice guy for example, so he might be willing to pick up a sledgehammer and have a crack at SCOTUS. And he is, as mentioned, a “real American” in that he is a fat and not very smart rich loudmouth, which makes him relatable in a way that guys like Mayor Pete can never be. I’m just repeating the Chapo thesis here. I haven’t seen video of this guy at all so I have no clue.

When you sound like a junior high school student giving a book report on a book that she hasn’t actually read, then you lose credibility. Effective public speaking is a necessary qualification for high level government positions.

Much more importantly though, it’s 2022 and vapid bullshit on climate change is woefully inadequate. The American southwest is running out of water, half of California seems to be on fire all the time, etc. etc. The eDems aren’t going to get a pass on this by getting in front of a camera and talking haltingly and unconvincingly about convening with the conveners on the climate change rules and procedures to prioritize the priority of convening on climate priorities.


I’m not saying it was effective, just that these sound byte clip analyses are nearly as pathetic as that which they critique.

To that point, do you know what was said before and after the clip? Were there follow-ups to clarify specifics?