The Presidency of the Joes, part II: lol documents

Just being able to tell republicans to fuck off from the get go and treating them with zero legitimacy is an insurmountable hurdle for like 99% of democrats (including Bernie!)

You should watch some of these GOP primary debate clips people are posting (Wyoming House and AZ gov come to mind). For their targets, above results in no credibility loss and possibly a credibility gain.

Do you? Feel free to post a bunch of clips of Harris doing a great job of laying out the plan to fight climate change. Nobody’s stopping you.

I’m not the one drawing emphatic conclusions from a 30 second clip.

Here’s something a little more substantial:

You’re welcome to Google, too!

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Are you sure? I see exactly zero “emphatic conclusions” being reached by anyone at all, you have had the strongest emotional reaction by far, leaping to Harris’s defense for unclear reasons.



Are you trying to say that what she said in the clip wasn’t vapid bullshit?

You guys are really missing the point here. If a 90% free throw shooter lobs up a FT air ball, everyone laughs at it and says that was a horrible FT. Nobody is saying that the person is the worst FT shooter of all time because of one bad FT. But you wanted to comment on how the person is actually a good FT shooter, you would bring information about how the person makes a lot of FTs and there are receipts for that. Why you guys are doing here is saying that no one should point out that the air ball is a laughably terrible shot far below the standards of any decent player, because hey it’s just one FT. Which is a stupid position to take.


Miss South Carolina and loooooooll

Literally the only two reactions were emphatic.

Nah, the analogy is saying THAT PLAYER SUCKS because they air balled a free throw. Drawing that conclusion from one data point is bizarre.

Uh, we have more information on Kamala Harris than that video clip to properly form an opinion on her.



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Your pony was knocked off the bill a long time ago

Perfect fit for the Oval Office imo.



Sometimes I like to picture Iron driving around in a Prius sporting an “I’m with her” bumper sticker.


Sleep well young prince