The Presidency of the Joes, part II: lol documents

Fuck off Joe

ā€œWe should be treating responsible gun owners as an example of what every gun owner should beā€

Yup, thatā€™s the solution. Just tell the murderers to be more like the non murderers. Thatā€™s got to work, right?

I thought it was a good speech

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You canā€™t bring dead children back to life with good speeches.

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(Jeff Tedrich)

What kind of shithole President negotiates against himself in a speech and doesnā€™t even mention the filibuster, holy fucking shit we are fucking fucked


So fun having the entire government run by people with an average life expectancy of less than my dog


if we raise the age from 18 to 21, that means kyle rottenhouses of the world would not be able to shoot protestors until they are full adults and can buy and drink alcohol.


Iā€™ve been saving up for this eventuality for quite a while, so that helps a lot.

Like Riverman points out, the places with the best education options and are the safest, are more expensive. So, I canā€™t really afford to do that forever (Iā€™m assuming a huge income drop if I move abroad). But I could swing 5-10 yrs. Once the kids are grown, Iā€™d need to cut back the lifestyle in one way or another. I might even come back to the US to make up for lost income. If my kids are going to college in Europe or whatever, I wouldnā€™t really care about living here again for a while.

It was the best Iā€™ve seen from him, ever.

And the bread was absolutely delicious, and the circus was exceptionally entertaining.

It could be worse.

Working hard! Thank you!

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ANd I have three of them!

JK, lol, I just watch CourtTV, snort adderol (sp), and retweet Bongino on Faceboook.


Lol grandpa

And even bigger lol Manchin, man this guy is such a scumbag

Lol workers. Nice holdover from Trump, Joe

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I think that Hillary Clinton thinks that she is going to run for president again.

And she has some super astute advice for Old Joey Boy

Joe Biden? The issue is not content or delivery on the ground, where Biden has plenty of achievements that Clinton warmly admires ā€“ his failing is that he is no performer: ā€œSo you basically saved people from falling into unemployment. You save small businesses and youā€™re going to build airports, bridges and tunnels and all kinds of great things,ā€ she says. But the larger question in 2022 remains: ā€œWhat are you going to do to entertain me? Heā€™s not a performer ā€“ and thatā€™s a real problem.ā€

Heā€™s doing incredibly well on policy obviously. Just killing it daily, but heā€™s not enough of a showman.

Theyā€™re going to have to chop this down to slogan size but this quote seems to sum up what staff thinks Bidenā€™s reelection message should be:

ā€œA lot of things are out of his control and we are frustrated and all Democrats ā€” not just the White House but anyone with a platform ā€” need to do a better of job of reminding Americans of how terrible it would be if Republicans take control,ā€ said Adrienne Elrod, a senior aide on Bidenā€™s transition team and aide to Hillary Clintonā€™s presidential campaign.
