The Presidency of the Joes, part II: lol documents

In Soviet Russia, you lick Nancy Reagan.


I’m sure the Republican president’s wife will participate in the unveiling of Michelle Obama’s stamp as well.


that slate!

actually i forget how the joke goes.


Nothing significant is going to happen on this or any other issue.

Democrats take a beating in 2022 and get slaughtered two years later.

After winning a 20th term to the House of Representatives in 2024, 84 year old House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi will whine to 85 year old House Minority Whip Steny Hoyer and 84 year old Assistant Democratic Leader Jim Clyburn about how it’s the fault of progressives and young people that Ron Desantis is about to be inaugurated and will be working with 61 GOP senators.


President Joe Biden told federal student-loan borrowers in April they would be hearing of relief in the “next couple of weeks.” His timeline for that announcement appears to be pushed back.

On Monday, the Wall Street Journal reported that Biden is likely to announce broad student-loan forgiveness in July or August, closer to when student-loan payments are set to resume on September 1, according to administration officials familiar with the matter. While the president previously said a decision would be made sooner, the Journal reported that Biden is continuing to assess the economic and political impact of broad student-loan relief — an issue that is becoming increasingly divisive among Democrats and Republicans.

The next couple of weeks, right after the trump healthcare plan


Democrats Deliver ™

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Maybe we’ll get a “Nobody knew student loans were so complicated”.


Seems like the status quo of deferred payments and no interest accruing is better for most borrowers than 10k forgiven + payments resume. Albeit unintentionally Biden is probably doing something good here

Changing his mind from the reported $10K blanket forgiveness? I wasn’t clear if he had decided on that or what. I don’t know what’s going on.

Neither does Joe.

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Why wouldn’t it be? Everything is made up and the rules don’t matter. Extend indefinitely and make them sue you in court

Man with weapon detained near Brett Kavanaugh’s home

seems like it should turn into a “hot potato” issue with no one willing to restart them… buut it would be so establishment dem to restart the loans RIGHT BEFORE an election and claim it as some sort of victory in the return to normal and then blame progressives when they get dumpstered in the election…

Weird thread to post this in, unless you’re implying that the guy was funded by radical extremist ANTIFA grand poobah, Joseph Robinette Biden!

It happened during this Presidency. The idea was to let big joe pick his replacement. Although I’m sure Manchin would block it for as long as it takes until a republican got in again

Manchin would definitely block it. Would say we cannot reward judicial assasinations.

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I think this is the sort of thing where Manchin falls in line with the rest of the Democratic caucus.