The Presidency of the Joes, part II: lol documents

From the article

The DCCC defended its involvement, with a spokesperson telling CNN on Monday that Schrader “has been critical in advancing President Biden’s agenda—from fighting to lower the cost of health care and prescription drugs to protecting a woman’s right to choose.”


Lol his campaign is literally bankrolled by a big pharma PAC

The current media hellscape benefits these people immeasurably. Reporters will always go to the other side for comment, and people who read these stories will swallow the other side’s complete lies and BS whole because it’s a Very Trusted Source.

I fucking told everyone during the BBB process that Biden and Pelosi didn’t actually want to pass it. It’s so obvious once you accept that eDems aren’t stupid, then you just read their actions for what they are. They rolled the progressives. Schrader is their ally, not their enemy.

eDems are an incumbent protection racket and usually support the incumbent regardless of policy.

I think regardless of policy is a stretch. Every time I see them oppose an incumbent, it’s a progressive.

How many of those progressives supported primary challenges against incumbents or threatened to do so?

They may have, probably did, I don’t know. Either way, the establishment isn’t all about protecting incumbency, they’re all about protecting the wealthy and going after progressives. If you think there was a world where AOC wasn’t getting primaried whether she endorsed other primary challenges or not, I don’t know what to tell you.

Biden and Pelosi are out there endorsing pro-life Dems the week of the Roe decision leak, they’re out there endorsing Dems who blocked “their own agenda,” which is a far bigger crime against the party (if it actually wants to pass BBB) than primarying or not primarying a random member of the House.

They want moderates, they hate progressives. That’s all there is to it.

I’m off to do some research.

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They’ll take pro-establishment progressives who support working for their policy goals through existing party structures over anti-establishment moderates. (Voting against Pelosi for Speaker isn’t being anti-establishment.)

Do you have an example of them gunning for an anti-establishment moderate?

I did that and my girlfriend walked in. Now we are going to have a long, uncomfortable talk where I will have to explain why I am using Bing.


I think non-progressives who draw the ire of the Democratic establishment probably are inclined to retire or become Republicans, so the cases are going to be asymmetric.

“Anti-establishment moderate Democrat” doesn’t make sense.

When a Dem is straight up conservative, they “go after” them by picking them for VP (Lieberman and others) or letting them rule (Manchin).

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It’s a hypothetical that is unlikely to occur in nature. I’d imagine that if more Dixiecrats had decided to stay and fight, we might have seen fireworks.

So no examples, then?

I mean sinking the agenda of the president would be anti-establishment, if it were his true agenda, yet Biden and Pelosi endorsed the guy.

I’m thinking of anti-establishment on a structural rather than policy level.

NJ rep Drew what’s his face, who switched parties after winning as a dem. WV gov as well. there are more i am sure

The NJ dude was well right of Manchin. He was pro Trump. He wasn’t a moderate, he was a Republican who tricked voters.

We need some Dems to do that.