The Presidency of the Joes, part II: lol documents

America is going to elect a super left wing woman?

I might have a better chance and being POTUS than she does. :grin:

ehhh… just bought one and looks like $21.69 (nice) to me.

That’s in line with what we’d previously been paying…

Just FYI that’s expired, hope you finished it already lol

If “Sell by” = expired, I’ve got lots of problems.


Finished it for lunch today with some chips, salsa, sour cream, and homemade habenero hot sauce. I just pulled the lid out of the recycling to document the price

No, not at all.

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Oops good catch.

i still don’t get it. how big were the servings for $21 and $30? are you saying they were equal weight?

Yes I’m saying the price here jumped by that much. The weights may not have been exactly the same but that weren’t off by a significant amount.

ok, i guess i try to pay attention to price per pound, than total.

This is quite weird since I think Fredd lives in a pricier part of the country than 'Cuse.

costco must give him a hometown discount

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We need to work with the cancer. I am very smart.


Food cost increases are very obvious but I also suspect there is some funny business going on here and there. The cost of the same meat or produce product seem to vary from normal to price gouging level depening on which grocery i go to and it isn’t just the same culprit. They all see to randomly hike prices on things that are much cheaper elsewhere. I know this has always gone on to some extent but the degree of it is wild now from my experience.


Somebody call Dr Eggman to take care of that problem:


I have never really paid attention to food or gas prices. I have no clue what the price of gas is right now. Granted my wife does all the shopping but the other day I went to the grocery store and refused to get a can of Amy’s organic vegetable barley soup that was on the list . The price was 5.99 or 6.99 I thought that was insane. I thought man inflation got to the soups too, damn you Biden!
Wife was annoyed I didn’t purchase as apparently that’s the normal price. Still seems outrageous to me for a can of soup.

Grocery store:

Wife grabs cinnamon rolls

“Did you see those are $8?”

“No what the fuck!”

Puts them back

Wife grabs sushi



Dude, never fuck with the wife’s grocery list.


This primary is fucking insane and is full mask off for the eDems.

This motherfucker tanked BBB and bragged about it, voted against impeachment and openly rips Pelosi while opposing her as speaker.

In return, he is endorsed by Biden and Pelosi.

You can’t pretend to believe they give a shit when they make it this obvious. How can you possibly blame anyone for not voting for them.

Infuriating summary of similar bullshit across the country. Fuck these people.

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