The Presidency of the Joes, part II: lol documents

My favorite Costco take home meal was the paella. Haven’t seen that in like 2 years though.

Of the current lineup, chicken pot pie is the clear #1 for me.

It was tasty and great value. My girlfriend would make rice and we’d mix it in to add calories.

We’re trying to keep to a very strict budget right now, and $3.50/meal was under. $5/meal is over.

I don’t know about you but when I pay 50% more for dinner or 25% more to fill up my tank, it fills my heart with joy and my mind is relieved to know that broader inflation isn’t going up as much.

Just like when I see skyrocketing housing costs, it’s great help to me to know that people who bought a house five years ago haven’t experienced any increased housing costs! Yay the rest of us!

Smaller portions? Remember this is the like WAR. What was the cost to enjoyment ratio of what you had to eat vs an average meal?

Very grateful that we don’t have to worry about this too much. The hard part is we were so busy with various historical society functions we are out a ton last week. Trying to make this week an eat of the freezer week as much as possible.

I’ve never seen it more expensive than $21 before but only been going for a few months.

Their roaster chickens went from $2.99 to $4.99 a couple months ago. Now they’re $5.99.

Maybe it’s just chicken but it’s not just enchiladas.

The iced tea I like has jumped 11% this year. It was the last thing that hadn’t jumped that I can think of.

I suppose we could try to turn it into 8 meals and make more rice to add to pull the cost down. Then the cost jump would be more like 10% per meal.

Maybe I got some bad info, but after looking for about 1 min, it looks like two of those enchiladas is 720 cal, which seems totally fine for a dinner especially if you add a salad or something.

Even at $21, you would have been paying over $5 per meal. Assuming 8 enchiladas per container which also came out of my 1 min half-assed web search.

They weren’t actual enchiladas, it was a casserole. We were splitting the thing up into six meals, so $3.50 per. Plus the cost of rice but I have tons of it on hand so we weren’t worried about that.

Assuming we’re talking about the same thing, I’ve only seen it in the store and never bought it. I guess anything could be under that topmost layer and I just assumed there were a bunch of enchiladas.

Oh ok… Yeah no you scoop it out onto a plate. The tortillas are cut up and mixed in.

Just a little late to the party Joe. Fucking resign

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I might pick some of these up the next time I’m at Costco. Are they spicy at all? My daughter has zero tolerance for spice, which makes things challenging sometimes. But in this case, I can always douse mine with hot sauce.

I don’t think they’re spicy at all, but I like spiciness so sometimes my girlfriend thinks stuff is too spicy and I don’t even notice any heat.

Yeah, I’ve got the exact same problem. Does your girlfriend think it’s spicy? If no, then I think we’re safe.

I was wondering if there was something going on with chicken, some kind of supply issue. I used to buy a 2.5lb bag of frozen chicken wings for $8.99 less than two years ago, it’s $14.99 now.

Biden’s that guy who puts off going to the doctor because the pain isn’t really THAT bad, only to be told it’s Stage 4 cancer and he has six months to live.


Literally had like a 17 month window to get stuff done and figured this out 16.5 months in.

It’s Dems only hope. Joe resigns and stays hands off in the primary. Liz or Pete could have a chance.

“We don’t want to make anything too political” – literal career politicians

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Bird flu.

