The Presidency of the Joes, part II: lol documents

so is he super tall or she super short?

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Inflation update: the chicken enchilada casserole at Costco went from $21 to $30 in less than a month.

We passed.

Biden is soooooooo fucked.

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But tell me more about how inflation is only at 8% or some shit over the past year.

Food prices are always more volatile than the broad market and youā€™re cherry picking.

How is that thing? Iā€™ve contemplated buying it before, but never pulled the trigger.

Sounds like it was worth it at $21, but not at $30.

True. But it could have been worth it based on sheer volume of food rather than taste. Latter is all Iā€™m really concerned about.

No one except economist nerds cares about ā€œthe broad marketā€. People care about the shit they have to spend money on every week.

Food and gas prices are soaring, and so are prices of a lot of other important things.


Yeah, food, housing, and gas is like 80% of my nondiscretionary budget. Itā€™s not cherry picking to say those categories are way more important to me (and nearly everyone else) than the broader market.

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everything at costco is fucking delicious


Enchilada casserole is probably a small part of your budget.

Not at those prices.

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Inflation is actually quite low, nobody actually eats chicken enchiladas


Some of their prepared foods arenā€™t that great. Iā€™d say most of their stuff is fucking delicious, but there are some duds in there.

Their rotisserie chicken salad is pretty mediocre, imo. And I like most chicken salads.

Quinoa salad and Poke are better, but still well short of fucking delicious.

Costco chicken Alfredo is absolutely incredible but most of their other stuff is mediocre. The chicken, shrimp, Caesar salads, stuffed peppers and deli sandwiches are all replacement level.

inflation isnā€™t low, itā€™s about 8% on average. costco enchiladas may actually be ~35%. or it could also be that $21 price was a drop from $25, in which case enchilada inflation would only be 20%.

Iā€™ve noticed that supermarket prices for fresh beef and pork have jumped 25+%.

As someone who doesnā€™t eat out much but has done so lately Iā€™ve noticed how expensive take-out food has gotten.

volume + taste + value goes to the chicken pot pie. Its like 5-6 pounds and quite good for around $20

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