The Presidency of the Joes, part II: lol documents

Wow easing SOME Trump era restrictions! DEMS DELIVER!


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I think they’re screwing up here, they should try to get ALL the anti-Biden / pro-Trump stuff admitted as evidence and try to get 1 or more MAGA deplorables on the jury. THE DEEP STATE RADICAL SOCIALISTS MADE HIM SHOOT UP THAT SCHOOL!!!

Tried these today and your daughter very likely will find them too spicy. They definitely had some kick to them.

Also, they were $21 at my store in NJ @anon38180840. Maybe just went up at some locations?


Thanks for the tip. If any human would describe them as remotely spicy, it’s a no go for her.

Hopefully she grows out of it.

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Wow, I’m wondering if my girlfriend misread it or something. I’m going to be so excited if they’re still $21! If they did go up here but not elsewhere, maybe I’ll scoop one up on the way back from AC next time.

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I’ve got a kid starting college this fall, should I have him go ahead and grab a loan?

Totally standard.

Person: I want a steak!
Democrats: Here’s a one week old burger patty with mold on it. Bon appetit!


Seems like almost a freeroll, imo.

Take the loan, get an i bond for the same amount, and at worst you make 4% and just pay it back next year.

Why is this hitting the press on a Friday? I guess it isn’t an official announcement but I thought Fridays are when stories get buried?

This seems like what they’re going for. They can say they did something, which they will point to in the future, but the more it is discussed the more meager it will seem.

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Weak. If he does this look for them to almost never mention the $10K/borrower. Instead they’ll get combative when asked about it and say “President Biden has forgiven TWO HUNDRED BILLION DOLLARS in student loans (or whatever that ends up being in total), what else do you want?!” I admit I do picture Psaki saying this and I know she’s left.

EDIT: Looks like that would be about $321M per the article. lol of course they are going to means test for that $10K forgiveness, according to sources. And they’re already pushing the big numbers lines to sound impressive, annoying

“Administration actions have already provided more than $18.5 billion in targeted debt relief to more than 750,000 borrowers. Not to mention tens of billions more saved by the 41 million borrowers who have benefited from the extended student loan payment pause,” Patel said.

I read another article earlier today that seemed to say he was planning on announcing it tomorrow in his commencement address at the University of Delaware but due to what happened in Texas his speech changed.

They 100% want it buried. Thats fucking abysmal and a slap in the face to the people

I confess to getting more conservative as I get older (in a shitlib, not R, way) but the response to the $10k loan forgiveness is crazy to me. $10k is a lot of free money.


You’re not wrong, but my main problem with it is not really the 10K. It’s just such a ham-fisted solution. There going to be loads of people who are well off where it’s a free 10K that they don’t actually need. And there are other people who are crushed so hard by debt that 10K won’t make a difference. So the amount of people actually receiving vital assistance is relatively few.

A better solution would be to take the total amount and distribute it more efficiently. Unfortunately, the general consensus is that the government will be shit at executing such a plan, so we might as well accept 10K for everyone as that’s better than nothing or a theoretically better solution with poor execution (poor execution is apparently guaranteed).

I think you’re vastly overestimating how much debt people are in. It’s roughly 30% of student debt that people hold