The Presidency of the Joes, part II: lol documents

Yeah, she had to start governing.

Distancing herself from Bernie’s campaign after it embraced Joe Rogan’s sort-of endorsement.

They have societies where citizens aren’t obsessed with keeping Others beneath them.

Seems like a bit of a heavy lift for USA#1.

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Ok so you admit she moved a direction. Not sure how that proves her former fanboys moved a direction

Cop votes, Pelosi embrace, other votes I’m forgetting

Insurance companies made money off of Obamacare but I don’t see the moral hazard in Obamacare.

The comparison would be if the government had said we are now picking up the tab for the uninsured and you can sell them any policy for any price.

She wore a dress with “Tax The Rich” on it, while, get this, at a met gala or something. Partied with rich people. Traitor. Canceled.

Ok, first of all the University of Texas football program funds the entire athletics department in addition to itself, and then after that sends millions of dollars directly to the academic side. That’s including all facilities costs. That’s what shows up on the ledger, and then after that there’s plenty of studies about how the football program increases individual alumni donations to the academic side, and increases applications which upgrade the median student’s academic talent which upgrades the school’s prestige which upgrades their massive federal grants.

Secondly, what is with this raised by wolves act where you believe people are advocating for no constraints to the cost the government is going to pick up? Why could you do that with Obamacare but not higher education?

Well played.

Instead of doing this you could just link reform proposals, if indeed this is so obvious.

If you just want to view this as a logic/math problem, it’s a possibility that the typical college student going to college when they need a lot of loans and getting a degree makes them poorer and society richer. It’s possible that society could pay for someone’s tertiary education and end up richer for it, even when an individual paying for their own tertiary education would not end up richer on the whole. I don’t think all people get to keep all the value they create. It’s possible you could determine this to be true for some fields of study, but not others, but then still possible that proscribing or limiting fields of study would not benefit society. And so, it’s possible society paying for someone’s education is win-win, while an individual paying for their own education may be them subsidizing everyone else.

I think this is largely true, but it might be “portrayed” as leftism and not “disguised”, meaning that leftism may not be the intent, but it may actually be leftist. Or it may not be, it’s complicated.

I think the moral hazard in health insurance tends to be somewhat overstated. While it is true that insured (privately or publicly) individuals seek out more health care services, there can be a very large cost to deferring health care. Regular routine maintenance health care costs money now, but can result in avoiding large health care costs later. Preventive care and regular check ups can result in lower net cost over the long term.

I think there are some different things going on here that make this stuff difficult to understand and articulate.

One factor is that on average all of America has moved “left” on issues like: government action in health care, government responsibility to deal with structural racism, there should be more immigration, government should be more involved in LBGT+ rights, etc. The % of Americans that think there should be more of this “left” stuff is increasing. The % of Democrats that believe in these things is also increasing. So in that sense the Democrats are moving left.

But on electoral strategy and governance tactics the eDems are not so obviously “left”. The composition of the individuals that make up the party is more “left” than they were 10, 20, or 30 years ago, but the eDems that set the tone for the party’s messaging and policy are largely dinosaurs from the 80s and 90s. This is a basic agency issue but it has pretty serious consequences because the fascist party doesn’t have that issue. The R voters are filled with hate and the loudest voices among their political representatives are filled with hate and their hard working agents in the courts and the government and lobbying firms are actively implementing policies filled with hate. The movement of the Democrats to the left doesn’t mean much when they capitulate to the Rs at every turn. Take the L indeed.


just fucking stop with this bullshit, who do you think is buying this shit sandwich you’re selling? eDems have both houses of congress, and with this, Biden has managed to keep one and only one campaign promise.


All that makes just makes her a person and not an ideologue.

Yes, that’s part of it.

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The last 10 humans on earth huddle around a fire in the ruins of a vast city coughing and spluttering in the fetid, choking air. Covered in radiation burns and up to their waist in grey, polluted, and poisonous water they hold hands for one last time. We did it, one says, we finally paid off the national debt. Mission accomplished.


With his last dying breaths, iron81 says, “I told you so!” without a hint of irony. Nobody laughs, they’re already dead.