The Presidency of the Joes, part II: lol documents

It’s kind of sad that anyone thinks there’s enough of a chance of this to make it funny.

It’s kind of sad that you think that asymmetrically upholding norms in the face of the GOP’s rampant destruction of them will lead anywhere other than the GOP imposing its will on the country.

It’s also kind of sad you don’t understand hyperbole.

Seriously fuck this guy




Biden 2024: more lunches with racists!


Like this fucking geriatric reminiscing about getting an egg salad with racists is going to make any intelligent progressive decision. Biden still thinks college costs fifty bucks; he’s going to do the worst he can with student debt. Probably require means testing to get a maximum of $10K forgiven, which won’t do much for a lot of people, but it will provide MAGA with the “handout for Ivy league elites” narrative which HE WILL ENGAGE IN GOOD FAITH. Look Jack, we’re putting scratch in students’ pockets, let’s get dad’s Vette and cruise for tail, I still got it


How many 78 year olds do you know?

The Big 4 accounting firms have mandatory retirement at 62-65. Similar for most big law firms.

A 78 year old is not fit to be fucking president. Have any of you watched him speak? It’s fucking embarrassing. Just as bad as GOP / Dems is GOD DAMN FUCKING CORPSES BEING IN CHARGE OF EVERYTHING


Really? I thought most countries banned mandatory retirement.

Yeah, I’m done. If Dems want my Pennsylvania vote they can run someone else. Fuck Joe Biden.

Unfortunately the advantage of incumbency is so great, that running Joe is the best hope for not-Trump.

I live in the most important swing state, I knocked on doors last election, and I won’t vote for Biden in 2024 no matter who he runs against because he’s a useless piece of shit.

So I’m thinking he’s got some problems that incumbency won’t solve. I’m the guy around here who begs everyone to vote blue no matter who, and now even I’m done.


It’s actually younger than that, I think, like a slow phase out starting at 55ish

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See, that’s where you’re wrong. His utility is not-Trump.

No one should have expected anything more. That leads to disappointment.

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Kids are still in cages. He’s done absolutely nothing on most issues. His utility was a semi competent vaccine rollout and supporting Ukraine. That’s it.

I expected very little and I’m still disappointed. To lose this big on this important of an issue and roll with “Get us to 60 in the Senate,” is completely unacceptable.

It’s emotionally unsatisfying but if Dems lose everything then nothing gets better without violence and probably not at all. The only answer is primaries.

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Sure, but on the other hand there’s a very real chance most of this forum is dead before abortion and gay marriage are legal again nationwide.

It’s harder to win a primary against an incumbent backed by the establishment than to win an open primary to beat a Republican.

I mean shit man the eDems were given a trifecta and they’ve barely slowed the backslide into right wing authoritarian rule. We’re clearly closer to it now than we were when Biden took office.

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History goes in cycles. When few alive have seen the horrors of the last cycle of racist stupidity and war, we get another cycle. Our species is beyond redemption. Just try to enjoy each day while you can.