The Presidency of the Joes, part II: lol documents

for the past two decades the foxnews brain trust has been screaming that the democrats are redistributing wealth from the rich to the poor and making americans into liberal communist heathens.

i guess i can’t decide which extreme position is true. smh

It’s so depressing to me that the left is absolutely correct about how bad the libs are and the libs are simultaneously correct about how much worse the right is.

Why is that depressing?

Clicks and eyeballs

Quick controversial soundbite about one group supposedly getting some gift forcefully taken from another group

Very few people want to read about structural inefficiencies and exploits

And then combine that with there being a large group of privileged people with voices that others listen to, being very passionate about what oretty much inarguably is an injustice they’re suffering, regardless of where that rates on the scale of injustices, and what they see as an extremely simple and liberatory fix for their personal problem, and human nature being myopic to your own situation. And even then it’s not like they’re ACTUALLY organizing for a one time forgiveness and then business as usual

Reagan ended free university in California because he was pissed at all the Black people and radicals getting an education and foothold into the middle class. He saw it as the state educating people to become anti-state and more powerful too.

And the Pelosi Dems would be thrilled to be up against a bunch of Reagan types today, and wouldn’t mind losing to them one bit.

It’s also really weird to see so many smart people be strong defenders of Obamacare but being against taking steps to let people afford university because it would just further entrench the overcharging universities and the money spent on higher ed would just keep growing

because the libs will use the fact that the right is worse to convince themselves that they don’t need to improve

But that’s just human nature and not specific to politics.

It is kind of specific to the US two party system though. The eDems keep moving right because they perceive everyone to their left as “captive”. Even in Canada where we just have 3 parties, the centrist party makes deals with the left party.

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Mixture if that and flat out not wanting to represent the left. Viewing a suburban 160k income family as being more “legitimate” votes and being more respectable politicians if that’s who voted them in

Indeed. This is all of a piece though, the party is intentionally inhospitable to the left in part because they just like banks and stuff but also because they think appealing to the left is a waste of time. Whaddaya gonna do, vote for Trump!?!?

The edems have been moving to the left since Trump took office at least. Probably earlier as Obama got frustrated with GOP obstruction. Notice how no one you pay attention to fanboys AOC anymore. Left Twitter is just getting more extreme.

In the US, the Dixiecrats–white Southern racists–were the third party. They used to be allied with the left-of-center bloc. Now they are allied with the right-of-center bloc.

The woke left makes it impossible for the racist bloc, a faction that would support things like M4A if you just let them do racism, to be part of a coalition where M4A is part of the platform because there is no tolerance of overt racism in the Democratic platform.

Establishment Dems are old folks who have living memory of the New Deal coalition and want to recreate that. They remember conservative folks being part of that coalition and instinctively seek to include them. They want to go back to what worked in the past because that’s what people tend to do.

We could have universal health care and the Green New Deal if we let the whites have segregated schools and segregated neighborhoods, but we’re not going to do that and I wouldn’t argue that we should.


No one gives any fucks about left Twitter.

OMG. Left Twitter!!11!!11one

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They got rug pulled by forced hospital integration after Medicare.

Help!!! It’s.

. . . …




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We need to Denazify Left Twitter, IMO.


It’s odd to say the fanboys moved left, when there’s a record, including on the twitter dot com you follow so closely, of things she did inconsistent with her earlier days that turned people off a bit

Guys we finally found social media brain!

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