The Presidency of the Joes, part II: lol documents

Pretty much yeah


This is all well and good but somewhat misguided. People who are faulting Joe for most of this stuff (the drilling parts not withstanding) are same people like the ones we’ve seen who elected Joe expecting him to govern like Bernie. He never was and never will.

-he was never doing anything on a large scale wrt student loan forgiveness and said so many times; anything else is wish casting and believe me I would benefit greatly if he did and would love it if he would

-abortion rights’ days were numbered once RBG died and there isn’t a thing he can do about it really other than packing the courts, which the awful senate Dems are never going along with

-actively involving himself in a criminal investigation is exactly what we didn’t want the last president to do, so it would be the height of hypocrisy for him to do so now vis a vis Trump (yeah Garland sucks but I’m not ready to say that Joe knew that going in)

He’s been a disappointment for sure imo but he’s 1000x better than what we’d have if Trump had won and it’s just plain ridiculous that his approval is lower than Trump’s at this point. Unemployment is back to where it was pre-pandemic, consumer confidence is inching up, hell there are all sorts of positive things that could be mentioned, but the focus is mainly on how he either isn’t left enough (by people like us) or isn’t Trumpy enough. We’re about to see in just a few years how not terrible the guy actually is.


There is basically next to nothing in the bucket for younger/more progressive dems. And certainly not their top priorities around which there were specific promises made.

I agree many of these are out of his control. In that case, message better.

But student debt and not drilling on public lands are at least two things perceived to be in his purview that he made specific statements about.

Hasn’t he learned that presidents do and then if courts overturn he still gets some credit?

(I especially LOL at jnflation, happening all over the world).

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This was a pretty large scale promise he made publicly. Now the best reporters get out of this administration is Jen Psaki saying “people will have to pay them back eventually,” and they refuse to release the Dept of Education report on loan cancellation.

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He seems convinced that he doesn’t have the power to forgive student debt and iirc even Pelosi agrees with him. Schumer is telling him he can meanwhile :man_shrugging: The rw scotus would probably rule against him just because

I don’t believe he would have waffled on Alaska if Russia had not invaded.

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People have been talking about how much forgiving student debt will help minorities and women. Maybe people should talk more about how many white guys will benefit from forgiving student loans.

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He didn’t have to promise the progressives he’d deliver the votes on BBB to get them to pass the corporate friendly BIF, and stab them in the back.

There was a lot of stuff in the BBB that was great for young people, plenty of which he talked about during the campaign.


So you’re telling me the long-time senator from the state where all the banks and lenders are incorporated and the huge fundraiser who’s married to the private equity dude both agree that he can’t help forgive debt?

Well damn, stop the presses! The fact that Schumer, who draws a lot of his power from Wall Street, says he can tells you that he can. Even Schumer admits it!

Even if he thinks SCOTUS invalidates the loan forgiveness, he should just do it. At least then he can say he tried - and seems to be a great campaign talking point that Dems are helping young people while the R SCOTUS is actively hurting them.


That’s what the Rs do.

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Shame on the progressives for passing BIF.

Wall Street veteran Nelson Peltz hosted a $5,000 a plate fundraiser for Sen. Joe Manchin at the billionaire’s sprawling Florida estate last month, where several top executives said they privately hoped the conservative Democrat would switch parties and run against President Joe Biden in the 2024 elections, CNBC has learned.

Joe vs. Joe?

I can already hear the pod save guys calling Trump v. Manchin the most important election of our lifetimes

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Anyone know anything about impending food shortages in the US? My girlfriend has been doing the food shopping lately and says she noticed some empty shelves, that her friends heard there are going to be shortages soon, and that Biden said something about it recently.

I hadn’t heard much at all about shortages, so much as tons of inflation due to supply chain issues. Anyone seen anything?

I guess there’s an egg shortage because of Avian flu. Otherwise it seems to fall under this:

Apparently there’s lots of right wing bullshit on social media pushing that Biden is orchestrating a food shortage.

Our grocery store is noticeably out of things more often than in the past, but I wouldn’t call it a “shortage”. It’s like one or two items each week.

The “coming shortages” talk on social media isn’t about the products temporarily off shelves the past couple years (although maybe that phenomenon is what got people primed to share this stuff) but rather amateur forecasts of stuff like the shifting directions of fertilizer and corn, along with droughts too in some of the posts

The posts are about shortages coming in the autumn, and being actual calorie deficits, rather than specific products

We do weekly food deliveries through a place called hy-vee and usually have like 1 item they’re out of. This week more like 6.🤷

They’ll take a couple of photos of some bare shelves in Peoria IL, they’ll get posted online, and boom, national food shortage caused by Biden!

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