The Presidency of the Joes, part II: lol documents

I feel like I’m somewhat alone in being fine with Hunter being investigated. I don’t want to defend him at all. I don’t doubt he was influence peddling, that’s the American way. But Republicans are just bringing it up as a distraction from all the illegal shit they are doing. I don’t understand why the response, from everyone, isn’t “investigate and prosecute them all”? Instead, somehow, everyone just ends up getting defensive about their side and no one gets prosecuted/faces repercussions.


Is it that much of an exaggeration to say that in absolute terms that offer’s not a lot worse than what many adjuncts get? Universities can be abusive places for students and instructors.

I was told the highly regarded dean of our engineering college supposedly regretted how he had treated students and employees. That was years after he’d retired, ofc.

Do they get benefits, or is that compensation also?

I guess the funny thing about the minimum wage is that you can’t pay someone $1/hr, even if employer and employee agree to that rate. But apparently $0/hr is perfectly fine.

Yeah. It’s been quite a while but I was looking at $1800 to teach a 3 semester hour course at a community college. No doubt you can do better but I have no idea how people make a living as adjuncts.

sure hunter’s a piece of shit and probably didn’t do something on the up and up

but man R’s going down the full we can take down the president for shit his kid did is like seriously???

he’s right, it would’ve impacted some votes if it came out as a more serious story than it did in the mainstream news right before the election

doesn’t matter if joe has anything to do with it or not

A draft letter lololol

Yes, we agree on that. The question is “Does it mean that it is a bad thing that it didn’t come out that way?”

I wasn’t trying to suggest that given the greater political context, it would make sense for liberals to try to take Biden down over this

I was just trying to say it’s worth taking stock of the situation, realizing the probability Hunter is affecting Joe is not actually 0% even if it’s near zero (I don’t know that it is, but put that aside for now), and saying wow that’s a shitty reality we’re in where the best move might not be to simply say alright Mr President, you don’t get to be President no more, on account of not handling the business with your son in a better way, since somewhere in our gigantic population we must have someone without this baggage

And how sad it is that the bigger picture means we’re going down this path where nothing is ever going to be done about any future POTUS family selling influence or selling baking soda that’s labeled Influence, because of the larger political context


The problem isn’t the Administration, the problem is us. They do good things, they message it, no one has their back.

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Hard no.

ETA: maybe I missed the sarcasm

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Dems deliver!

Seriously what if this forum and everyone under 70 was right the whole time?

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4 periods tho


But I thought they weren’t using the leases they have. Wtf.

Boy I tell you, Jack, we gotta have someone figure out why my approval rating is in the shitter with the kids

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Who could have seen this coming!


[x] do not forgive any student debt
[x] drag feet on no payments extensions so everyone is in a constant state of flux
[x] don’t do shit on global warming
[x] in fact encourage drilling on public lands
[x] stand by while abortion and diversity rights get taken away
[x] no consequences for Trump et al

Anything else?


Something something inflation?

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