The Presidency of the Joes, part II: lol documents

Yeah it sounds like it’s mostly right wing bullshit, but there may actually be a wheat shortage in a few months related to the war, which won’t be as bad in the US as in the rest of the world. This makes sense to me given what I know about wheat supply in Ukraine and Russia. (I traded a couple commodity ETFs for a few weeks as a hedge on other investments and did some research.)

Regardless, it’s going to be another banner year for the profits of the agriculture conglomerates

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Texas is fucking with trucks out of Mexico. I’m not a constitutional scholar but I have heard of something called the interstate commerce clause. Maybe not relevant idk but driving up prices of food for people in other states to get a little MAGA cred is a total dick move.

One of the most amazing things to me is the extent to which the red states get away with fucking with the financial well being of the blue states. We subsidize them and they get more political power. They pull stunts like this and people don’t pay attention.

If people in blue states knew how much of their money was being sent to or taken away because of the actions of red states, whoa boy, would there be a reaction. It’s infuriating.

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This is a pretty huge oversimplification of tax dollars in and out. Blue state citizens are getting a return on their investment here. Libs bringing this tired old trope are making the same mistake conservatives make regarding the federal budget’s proportions and how much of it is really anything like social services. You think you’re paying for welfare kings’ F-150s but really you’re just paying for military bases and interstate highways in less-populated states, both of which provide you utility.


Agree about the interstate highway system, but gonna need some convincing about the military bases.

Other than “the company of friends and family” make a list of things you enjoy in life that you think wouldn’t be negatively impacted by living outside of NATO

What’s your wealth and security EV being born outside of the empire versus in

Do you think wealth flows out of the empire, into the empire, or is roughly net zero

Nato isn’t an empire ffs

The US spends considerably more on military spending than the NATO median.

The highways, fair enough - although I’ve driven on interstates in the South and I’m not really sure where my dollars are going because it doesn’t seem to be roadkill removal or pothole repair.

I’m not so sure that all of the subsidizing that’s going on is for roads and military, though, and beyond that what do I care if a military base is in Oklahoma or Colorado? I’ll allow it makes sense to have them along the coast in the southeast.

Utah only one spot above California in federal funding per capita. Sad.

wheat shortage isn’t going to hit Peoria IL before it hits egypt, tunisia, libya, etc. conditions are actually similar to how the russian government manipulated the market in 2014, which spiked the prices for less developed countries, and played a part in Arab Spring.

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As a member of the same fucking club as Biden and Gutenberg (Parkland Dad), this really got me in the feels this morning.


Rs and Ds are just the same, that’s why it’s so easy to imagine this happening with Trump too.


Zero chance Manchin wins a primary in the current Republican Party.

Joker America (

Sirota knows

There’s been frozen burrito shortages on my local Amazon fresh for months. Gotta figure that shit out Bezos.

Probably explains the crypto crash.

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yesterday i paid roughly double what i paid a year ago for eggs.

it’s like the only “shortage” that has hit me personally, i love eggs.

Remove all the noncoastal, red state bases

You see no costs to blue states?

The roadkill thing I have to assume is trolling

The economic impact of bases is huge. Even removing anything this board finds controversial about the benefits citizens of the West receive due to being born in the areas allied to the unquestionably greatest military

What happens to the US economy without the research done on those bases? What happens to the people living in those states when there’s not bases? Being that they’re in the same country as you, how could that not affect you economically and affect your security to remove all that from people in your country? Removing wealth from your neighbors affects your safety