The Presidency of the Joes, part II: lol documents

Agree with about all of this, but Bloomberg was also clearly worse than Biden.


also yang

Egregiously out of context? The President is a nattering senile dolt who serves up idiocy like this every time he gets on the mic. He was covered for by partisan Democrat toadies.

Grunch. Lol at intentionally missing the point.

At this point, the choice to eat a meat heavy diet when you have options is just ignorant


You gave us so much shit for posting tweets of Lincoln Project guys slamming Trump and then you link to this fucking guy?


I guess Iā€™ll put this here now, hopefully it wonā€™t warrant its own thread. There was an explosion in Times Square. Not much detail available. It appears that if it was terrorism, something went wrong for the terrorists.

Edit: reports are that it was just an accidental manhole explosion and nobody was hurt. So thatā€™s good.

When you see reports of an explosion in Times Square, it seems pretty fortunate that it was not nefarious.

I have been avoiding all the Hunter Biden stuff but see a big uptick in headlines from MSM sources.

Is there a there there? Was he setup for this by the usual suspects?

Otoh. Jr and Jared have Russian blood and Saudi oil on their money all over the place and nothing happens.

Well the DOJ is investigating him so thatā€™s enough for the mainstream media to jump in. Who the fuck knows at this point? Up is down and down is up, the entire Trump family is going to walk and Hunter Biden somehow appears to be going down for a right wing conspiracy theory.

Lol Kushner got bribed with $2 billion from MBS TODAY and the media is still on Hunterā€™s laptop

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somewhere out there, on a maga politics forum, thereā€™s a thread ā€œmerrick garland sucksā€ and itā€™s exploding with posts about how charging hunter should be obvious to the ag.

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In fairness, he got bribed years ago. The payment was just today. But whatā€™s Hunter Biden doing today, hmm??

Well theyā€™re way more likely to get their wish than we are. Garlandā€™s probably putting some right wing nutter in charge of it for the sake of impropriety and recusing himself.

isnā€™t he selling some art and nfts of his art?

i think hunter is probably a donk, who should stay low for the duration of the presidency. but even that would get spun into a huge story by the derposphere

I wish he was selling NFTs

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I couldnā€™t possibly care less what heā€™s doing, in reality. As long as heā€™s not around the White House (heā€™s not) and as long as Joe Biden isnā€™t playing along with any influence peddling scams (I havenā€™t seen one credible accusation that he is), Hunter Biden can do all of the hookers, blow, and attempted influence peddling he wants as far as Iā€™m concerned. If he goes down, he goes down. If he doesnā€™t, he doesnā€™t. If people are dumb enough to pay him for access he canā€™t deliver, well, caveat emptor.

technically speaking, having a family member or a child engage in compromising behavior is an attack vector for both political enemies and foreign adversaries. i donā€™t really care that hunter did blow and paid some hookers, but it would be an obvious risk

Absolutely no one actually cares about Hunterghazi, hopefully Republicans keep trying to fuck that chicken for the next few years.

Only for Dems. Donnie Dumb Dumb gave a porn star $100,000 in hush money and nobody gave shit.

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Sure, technically speaking, in a perfect world and all. All the shit weā€™ve seen in the last four or five years has deprived me of the ability to care about something this unimportant. The last administration committed hundreds (thousands?) of scandals, it was almost daily, and nothing happened. They tried to overthrow our government, and nothing is going to happen about that either.

So when I said as long as he stays out of the White House with it, I think I lied. He should keep it out of the West Wing.

In reality, I donā€™t care if Hunter Biden is doing lines of coke in the Lincoln Bedroom and banging hookers on the Truman Balcony.