The Presidency of the Joes, part II: lol documents

Hunter should hire Stormy to film a video, in which she talks about how much better his sexual performance is than Trump’s and how much more well endowed he is, and let it leak. Trump’s meltdown would be incredible to watch.

I think there could be an argument to be made that this could be a Biden 2024 campaign expense, and for this level of entertainment I’d be fine with that. He’s probably got to pay for his own drugs, though.


right, so it’s a risk for biden THE SOCIALIST!


This fucking guy




I know it’s Onion, but it would be cool if there were Air Force One fountain pens and they had gold nibs.

The administration’s big win on student loans is going to be something like “hey thanks to us it’s now easier to discharge student loans in bankruptcy!”

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Working hard! Thank you!

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Don’t forget to tip your ActBlue!

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I have been actively unsubscribing from all the text and email lists every time I get an email. I still get like 1-2 texts a week and 3-5 emails a day from various Dem groups.

Their capacity to create new fundraising organizations to sell your contact info to so that you have to unsubscribe again is endless.

The end result is that I’ll probably never donate again because they’re driving me nuts, and I may eventually have to change my e-mail and/or phone number. If I’m getting 1-2 texts a week now, November is going to be relentless.

Dems Deliver!

Totally valid and important question; I’m not sure what the Biden administration’s plan for that would be and sometimes I feel like the hesitancy to address that complex problem keeps them from pursuing (or just doing) sweeping loan forgiveness. It would be ridiculous to wipe out student loans and continue on with the same system and just watch them pile up again. Kicking the can with extensions is easy.

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Can you imagine if the DoJ pursued MAGA criminals with half the fervor Dem fundraisers exhibit tracking down donors



No way they even go this far Imo. At any rate - changing the bankruptcy code would require legislation so lol.

The laptop is real, Hunter is up to his eyeballs in shady shit and the laptop is probably full of him blabbing about it, for example he was paid millions of dollars for unclear purposes by a guy whose job was to do bribery for Chinese intelligence, and if you’re wondering if Hunter knew this:

In a May 11, 2018, audio recording of a conversation with an unidentified woman found on the laptop, a copy of which has been obtained by Yahoo News, Hunter Biden complained about getting a phone call from a New York Times reporter asking about his representation of Ho. He is “literally the f***ing spy chief of China,” Biden says to the woman, clearly overstating Ho’s role.

There is no “setup” here, it’s low rent corruption, probably par for the course in DC, but Hunter is too much of a fuckup to do what Kushner did and structure his bribe-taking for plausible deniability, not run his mouth in internet conversations, etc etc.

There’s no suggestion of involvement by Joe, but Joe’s brother James Biden is in the thick of this too.

It’s especially hard when student loans are a big reason for the rise in the cost. Free money for whatever you charge means you can bump prices without much consequence.

I still can’t get over how I paid about 120k for two years of med school where I used approximately 1000 dollars of third party resources instead of the lectures/resources my school provided. I’m guessing that’d be similar for a lot of undergrad classes nowadays too. It wasn’t that bad when I was in undergrad, but I had a big break in-between undergrad and med school.

Education costs should be dropping hard. It’s never been easier to get education materials to people.

haha I took that elective, it was the best two weeks ever

I had a convo with one of my more righty acquaintances about Hunter Biden. It went something like this. I’m condensing and paraphrasing it quite a bit.

Friend*: Hunter Biden laptop was real. Everyone said it was Russian propaganda. See just like conservatives, liberals will cover for their own. If all of these stories had run before the election, we could have had a different outcome.

Melk: So what do you think was on this laptop that showed that Joe Biden did anything wrong?

Friend: Well it doesn’t matter if there was or wasn’t. Some voters might have interpreted the contents as negative to Joe Biden and it could have changed their votes.

Melk: That’s possible, but is there anything you have heard of on the laptop that shows Joe Biden was corrupt.

Friend: Nothing yet. But who knows what they suppressed?

Melk: So, if they find nothing else, would you still feel bad that the initial reporting on Hunter’s laptop was not as detailed and widespread as it became later.

Friend: Yes, because some people still could have changed their votes based on that info.

Melk: FFS…

*Probably not quite a friend, or at least not a close one, but I had to call him something in the script.

is there actual evidence on that laptop he peddled influence? or is it just some dumb vague business plans drawn up as investments? i am not super surprised that chinese intelligence would have a budget for bribes, but i also don’t find them approaching the vp’s son as a smoking gun?