The Presidency of the Joes, part II: lol documents

Maybe it’s a trap, and Joe is gonna trade Obama for Putin

I know people have the memory of a goldfish and it’s possible that waiting to do something concrete until October will have some electoral benefit.

But this constant kicking the can down a few months has to be pissing a lot of people off.

EDIT - Basically what AOC said:


Let’s make the wound as fresh as possible for November.


Would a bumper sticker that said “Don’t blame me, I voted for Brandon” be interpreted as pro- or anti-Biden?

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I have no idea why they don’t just do a program where they will pay 6 months of your student loan off - right after they win the election. If the Rs win then I guess you should have voted.

The Rs are going to accuse them of “buying votes” so just buy them.

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Someone needs to run the numbers on this, but won’t people who already paid or didn’t go to college get super pissed off that these college-educated libruls are getting a huge piece of gubmint cheese.

Seems like those people will be almost as motivated to vote the other way. So it really comes down to how many extra voters on either side this policy would net. Is it a lock that the votes would break the right way?

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Nothing is a lock but the whole “I got mine so pull up the drawbridge” crowd is pretty likely to talk their way into voting R anyway.


and much like was said in another thread; people are angry about this stuff for like a week regardless, so just pull the trigger sooner rather than closer to the election and the next outrage cycle will sweep it away. While the people that benefitted will likely remember slightly longer and be potential voters.

Biden and the Treasury Dept. announced a change to the way that the subsidy formula is calculated. I don’t understand all the ins and outside, but bottom line is that more families will now qualify for some subsidy.

It’s a wonky little administrative change that probably wouldn’t get much coverage, so I’m guessing the PR folks thought that (a) announcing it close to the anniversary of when the ACA was originally signed and (b) having Obama there would get more coverage.

[Of course, most of the coverage will probably focus on Obama joking about ice cream and Biden joking about hot mics and not the rule change, so :woman_shrugging: ]

Between his Murdock comments and this it looks like Biden is a little more with it than you might expect.

Well, he hired Garland, so…

Lol good one

Swing for the fences is my motto.

The people here who covered for his obvious decline are some of the dumbest fucks of all time

I don’t remember any covering really. It was more like “Yeah he’s old and even at his best he was a gaffe machine, so maybe it’s gonna be worse, but at least he’s not Trump”.


And the people who take him out of context to make him look addled? What are they?

America is a nation that can be defined in a single word. I was in the foothi- — foot- — excuse me, in the foothills of the Himalayas with Xi Jinping, traveling with him. (Inaudible) traveled 17,000 miles when I was Vice President at the time. I don’t know that for a fact.

And we were sitting alone. I had an interpreter and he had an interpreter. And he looked at me. In all seriousness, he said, “Can you define America for me?” And I said what many of you heard me say for a long time. I said, “Yes, I can, in one word: possibilities.” (Applause.) “Possibilities.” That, in America, everyone should be able to go as far as their hard work and God-given talent will take them.

So he interjected a stupid, “I traveled 17,000 miles when I was VP.” So what?

If we did ranked choice out of the like 17 candidates, I’d have put Biden 15th. He’d have been ahead of crystal healing lady and Tusli Gabbard, and that’s it. He’s clearly a step slower than at his peak, and he’s always gone off on tangents, but he’s not some addled, rambling buffoon. He’s a shitty eDem center-right moderate, but he’s mentally competent to hold office.

There are a million things you can easily credibly attack him for, why do this?

Attack him on immigration, attack him on healthcare, attack him on student loan debt, on the child tax credit, on not getting BBB done and fucking over progressives, etc. You don’t have to resort to this.


Good decision. In a shocking development, @watevs is coming in hot with the “you guys are all dumb fucks” takes while just taking a video clip egregiously out of context. I’m sure he’ll realize this and respond calmly, rather than with a series of “fuck yous.”