The Presidency of the Joes, part II: lol documents

She grew up lower middle class, so that’s part of it. But also even though it’s meat-heavy relative to the rest of the non American world, we’ve gotta be #1 in that category.

Yeah, I guess, but I think that is more a function of socio-economic status. I’d be shocked if the average upper-middle class and above Brazilian ate less meat than the average upper-middle class and above American. Of course the average Brazilian likely eats less than the average American due to far greater poverty in Brazil.

Basically every time she makes a meal from back home there’s meat on the plate but maybe 30-40% as much as the average American meal, and lots of rice and beans.

(And they’re all delicious.)

The older I get, the more often I tend to cut the old normal piece of meat in half and make two meals out of it.


I’ve had good feijoada once. It was awesome. Since then it has been a fruitless search to recreate that experience. Probably need to actually go to Brazil.

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Im confused

She doesn’t like feijoada, but I tried some when we went to a Brazilian spot and loved it.

She likes but doesn’t love soccer, likes Messi, and dislikes feijoada, so the running joke lately is me asking her if she’s sure she’s actually Brazilian.

Well there is one way to tell….



Hey don’t blame me. Everyone knows what a “Brazilian” is.

Funny thing is, I don’t think Brazilians call it that.

If I had one guess, I’d go with the American. It has to be more common here than in Brazil.

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Maybe you guys are confusing Brazil with Argentina.

I can’t believe this was 11 years ago.

Maybe prices of soybeans spiking is why I haven’t been able to get soy milk at Costco?

I made this a few months ago and prices vary a lot anyway but if you want cheap protein, it’s chicken and beans for the most part.

The data points are for tuna in water, sardines in oil, organic nonfat greek yogurt, lowfat cottage cheese, lentils, chicken, pinto beans, chickpeas, organic peanut butter, eggs, swiss cheese, whey protein powder, and soy milk.

It’s why a lot of small Czech businesses have switched to cash only since the pandemic.

That’s a double bonus since it becomes a little easier to skirt paying the full share of taxes.


Obama visiting Joe to talk about ACA
