The Presidency of the Joes, part II: lol documents

House Dems inexplicably doing the one thing that might save their asses in the midterm elections. I assume Manchin kills this when it gets to the Senate.


Sounds great until everyone forgets to vote because they’re too high


Just about any Dem senator might with few exceptions. They’re a bunch of old establishment fucks who think it’s the gateway drug. They passed it last year and I don’t even think it got a vote in the Senate.

My guess is around 10 Dems in the Senate genuinely oppose it but most wouldn’t want to be the ones to block it politically, and 4-6 would make political calculations and prefer to vote against it and block it.

I doubt it gets a vote.

Sinema’s a pharma puppet, zero chance she supports this. Maybe you get Rand Paul and one or two Republicans on board. Somehow Dems will find a way to fuck this up instead of becoming the party that gave voters legal weed.

Of course, it ultimately remains up to the states to decide if it is legal or illegal.

Democrats passing a bill to legalize weed is like asking a woman to hold hands, being turned down, so asking for anal sex.




No idea what this means. :grin:🤷

lol, maybe Biden will veto it, that would be amazing. It’s an easy win so ofc they will find some way to fuck it up.


i think legal thc will be a bonanza for pharma. it’s shortsighted to be against it.

Couldnt big pharma use this to break into a massive industry legally?

True, and it really doesn’t change the status quo much. However it would be nice to know that legal states aren’t at risk of some huge douche future president deciding he’s enforcing the law, sending the feds in to raid every dispensary and arrest everybody.

I’d love to build a class of legal weed single-issue voters who believe that legal states will only be at risk if a Republican is in the White House.

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They could lobby to get a strict process written in for regulating weed companies that operate across state lines, and get the regulations written so that oops only the big pharma companies qualify.

Right now weed companies can’t operate across state lines.

I don’t see why pharma would give a fuck about legal weed. Don’t think they do either. Marijuana isn’t going to make a dent in big pharma at all.

well except for whoever makes toradol

toradol is generic, basically only given in hospitals or clinics as injections these days, doesn’t cost much, and weed is a shitty pain killer.

No doubt manchin thinks marijuana is an opiate.

Independently determined by thinking about it