The Presidency of the Joes, part II: lol documents

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This advice will come in handy if I develop a cancerous tumor.




Gee whatever could he do to get that group back in his pocket?

Oh well, no sense trying. Fickle children

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I know, it’s hard to even know where to start with young people, right Joe? I wonder if the author of that CNN article even bothered trying. I guess he did:

But without exception, each activist and operative I spoke with said the most important thing Biden could do to energize more young voters would be to cancel more student debt.

even if he did that they still won’t vote for him and everyone’s gonna say they did nothing and we all know it

Sometimes it’s not even short memory; it’s no memory.

We can argue whether it was enough, but Dems did do a good bit of COVID relief which put cash in people’s pockets. How much credit do they even get for that?

Very little. Trump did that too.

they screwed up direct depositing it for many people so they never had a clue, at least trump was smart enough to send a check with his name on it

but that is all ancient history at this point

they don’t vote anyway

More than 50% of people 18-29 voted in the 2020 Presidential election.

I think it’s also a convenient myth/excuse to point to low youth voter turnout. In Canada young voter turnout tracked in the high 30% / low 40% range until Liberals nominated a certain hot young guy that appealed directly to them and ran around shirtless and did selfies. In that election young voter participate jumped 57%.

I would be wary of the narrative that it can’t be done because the dinosaurs in the Democrat party have tried and failed. They have failed at a lot of stuff. Maybe they just suck.

No argument there

Psaki leaving WH for MSNBC

Ah, Mark Kelly has entered the chat. Who’s next?

Everything and everyone in US politics is just a grift.

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Of course

She can have aaaaaall the good republicans on her show non stop for the sake of bipartisanship. Yay!

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