The Presidency of the Joes, part II: lol documents

I’ve seen this movie before.

A tax cut for billionaires is far more likely than an increase. It’s a recession coming after all. Need some trickle down cures. Biden will compromise at a 5% cut after republicans suggest 10%.


Biden will fight very hard to include millionaires too though! Dems Deliver!

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I’m probably in the minority here, but I’d lean towards just paying it. Mostly so just I could forget about it.

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You could be in a situation with a very safe vehicle earning more interest than the student loan (assuming a bunch or rate hikes are coming). If the loans are not charging interest during school you might as well earn some cheese before paying the loans off.

Yeah, I get that. It’s just a bit of a hassle, for what sounds like not a ton of money.

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You know what they say, the 201st time is the charm!

The arc of history bends toward justice. You’ll be dead by the time it happens, but still.


Clarence will write the opinion claiming it’s unconstitutional.

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I dont get it

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Ya me neither. Every time I see elephants I think about that photo of Donald Trump Jr standing over that one he shot to death for sport

i think they are elephants in name only or something?

It’s Fox News complaining that the crooked left-wing media isn’t covering the stories that really matter.

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but how and why did Fox news elephants get into the left wing media newsrooms?

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It’s a play off of “giant pink elephant.”

Republicans are also elephants.

It’s saying that “giant pink elephant” isn’t sufficient enough to describe how much the evil democrat controlled mainstream media is ignoring the obvious correct takes of the GOP.

I don’t think they’re actually in the newsroom. It’s a play on the elephant in the room, i.e. the important story that certain people want to pretend doesn’t exist.

I’ve given this way more attention than it deserves.


Lol OK i thought it was a play on “the elephant in the room”, which of course is Hunter Biden’s laptop and not global climate change