The Presidency of the Joes, part II: lol documents

tbf, a lot of those republicans got primaried by tea party dipshits

guess it didnā€™t show up, theyā€™re going to release a proposal to tax the rich, enjoy

The ā€œBillionaire Minimum Income Taxā€ plan under President Biden would establish a 20 percent minimum tax rate on all American households worth more than $100 million, the document says. The majority of new revenue raised by the tax would come from billionaires.

The White House plan would mandate billionaires to pay a tax rate of at least 20 percent on their full income, or the combination of traditional forms of wage income and whatever they may have made in unrealized gains, such as higher stock prices.

That part is big. It actually goes after unrealized gains.

Billionaires paying a rate below that will have to pay the difference between what they pay now and the 20 percent rate. Billionaires already paying more than 20 percent would not owe additional taxes. The taxes paid toward the minimum tax would count toward whatever billionaires owe once they have to pay ordinary capital gains taxes.

Seems reasonable. Now for the fun part:

The White House approach represents yet another attempt to craft a billionaire tax that can be approved by Congress and administered effectively by the Internal Revenue Service. Wydenā€™s plan would have been assessed on an annual basis, whereas the White House plan gives wealthy households five years to be in compliance with the minimum 20 percent tax. The White House plan also creates an initial period of nine years from enactment for households to pay previously unrealized income.

Gee, I wonder if thatā€™ll get repealed by the GOP in the next five years?

Never the less, hereā€™s how itā€™ll play out:


The billion dollar question is would they have proposed it if they actually had the votes for it? Iā€™ll go with no.

Damn progressives!

And just lol:

Twitter handle checks out

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This question says quite a lot:

A lot of people are unable to get out and vote for many reasons. Did you happen to vote in the November 2020 election for president? (IF ā€œYES,ā€ ASK:) Which of the following statements describes your vote?

Voted for Trump because you liked him or his policies ā€¦ 33
Voted for Trump because you did not like Biden or his policies ā€¦ 8
Voted for Biden because you did not like Trump or his policies ā€¦ 26
Voted for Biden because you liked him or his policies ā€¦ 20

Omg Joe speaking live now. Will Smith has a front row seat in case he starts talking shit about Putin again.

One might be forgiven for thinking this budget has a chance of being passed into law given the Presidentā€™s party controls the entire Congress.

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Biden now taking a lot of questions about difference between his personal moral outrage and official White House policy

Straight up trolling his base

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I donā€™t have any student loans and I know nothing about them. I know my brother and his wife have them. I asked and he said they havenā€™t stopped making automatic payments on them this entire time. How many other people are doing this?

If they had consolidated to a private lender or had private loans to begin with they would have continued to pay this entire time so Iā€™m sure thereā€™s a bunch of people in that situation.

speaking of loan forgiveness freerolls, junior is going to college in the fall. I am planning on just writing a check (he got a decent amount of money and is going to a state school but will still have a balance) but should I have him take out the loan and just pay it off for him later? Seems like very little downside.

yeah when I was a kid I had a very small loan that had zero interest accrual until I actually stopped attending school, Iā€™m not sure what the terms are here. I donā€™t think heā€™s likely to get a job with loan repayment benefits (engineering major most likely) but anything is possible.

He would graduate in 2026. He could help design facilities for holding illegal immigrants plus non Christian and non white and non straight people in the second (and permanent) Trump admin.


Only federal loans have been paused. I have $12k in paused federal loans and $50k in state loans remaining, so have still been paying an obnoxious amount every month throughout the pandemic. Your brother and his wife either have private or state loans unfortunately.

I would make the kid take out the loans and say youā€™ll pay them off if they graduate in 4 years.


The PV module investigation and tariffs has the whole industry livid.

probably ok. are you putting it all into cryopto in the meantime?