The Presidency of the Joes, part II: lol documents

Yeah, the correct play was to get a bulldog in there as AG who would go after Trump while Biden stayed out of it.

Meanwhile, Biden actually does what he campaigned on.

Instead, we got Merrick Garland and Biden sucking on just about every issue.


Trump? No way. Not in the general public consciousness. American mythology will demand that Donnie Dumb Dumb gets white washed. ā€œA sometimes controversial figure, Trump rose to power fighting for the forgotten middle class that was left behind by a globalization.ā€

Nah man. Heā€™s going down as the true WOAT. Like Nixon x100.

As a nation we got desensitized to the idiocy and absurdity. It is not going to age well.

Just look at what happened with W. Obviously disastrous policy domestic and foreign, obvious moron, now gets to hang out with Michelle Obama.

Trump is always going to top the list of worst Presidents, but just look at how hard Biden is trying to ā€œput it all behind usā€.

Sure, Donnie Dumb Dumb isnā€™t going to do his part in his own reclamation project because heā€™s too stupid and impulsive, but the establishment will be heavily incentivized to sweep all it under the rug. The Rs will be proclaiming him the Great and Glorious Dear Leader and the Ds are not going to handle that well. They will be somewhere between ā€œwhen they go low we go highā€ and ā€œmaybe if we are nice about Trump some of them will vote for us!ā€

They impeached him twice. Merrick Garland is a limp dicked loser but there is not going to be a Trump rehab project. Heā€™s going down as the absolute worst. It will be kind of like Goldwater.

Would that be the Goldwater with the 20 year career in the Senate after losing to LBJ? The same one who is credited in the American mythology as having done a great service to the Republic by convincing Nixon to resign?

Itā€™s both. Heā€™s going down like Reagan on the right for the next 30 years or so, but everyone else and then history books will recognize him as the WOAT.

That assumes we survive as a species and donā€™t fall into a right wing autocracy, in which case he goes down as the GOAT obviously.

Disagree. History is written by the literate.


Hate to break it to you guys but the Chinese state will be writing the history books of this era and America ainā€™t gonna come across too well Trump or otherwise.



yes, 100 years from now, biden will probably be seen very positively for his performance in this crisis

in november, the issues that will actually decide the outcome of the election will be some combination of CRT, womenā€™s college swimming, gas prices, and (possibly, if covid comes back) mask mandates.

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I donā€™t think mask mandates come back unless Covid quadruples in impact.

I think weā€™re fucked for any new wave regardless of magnitude, super fucked for any new disease

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Yeah mask mandates are done outside the most liberal enclaves, no matter what comes. Personal choice rules the day.

If something more deadly comes along, just build bigger morgues.

Didnā€™t Goldwaterā€™s reputation get massively rehabbed? Being a ā€œGoldwater Republicanā€ was a fashionable thing for quite a while.

Reagan was just a continuation of Goldwater, and Goldwater was a Senator all through the 70s and half the 80s. The idea that he was a persona non grata at any level is absurd.

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Iā€™m for Goldwater, but Iā€™m with Johnson on this one.

Counterpoint. History will only be read by the literate.

Real Americans know the truth!


I have no clear idea how this will play out, but I can 100% see Republicans throwing Trump down the memory hole the same way they forgot their enthusiastic support of W and his wars.Try to find a Republican today who will admit to being a gung-ho pro-war guy. The entire Republican party and half the Dems were rip-roaring ready to invade Iraq and now theyā€™ve all disappeared somehow.

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Nah, have the plot wrong. Plenty will admit to having supported the Iraq war, but they have now learned their lesson and are much wiser than the rest of us.

Can find them dropping pearls of wisdom such as ā€œDonā€™t let the Biden crime family lead us to another stupid war in Ukraine and the biolabs, my God, the biolabs!ā€

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