The Presidency of the Joes, part II: lol documents

I think that’s as delusion as thinking you can overturn a presidential election and order a new special election to redo it.

Dude the President of the United States literally just has to get one of four people to resign the board by enticing them with a better job offer that would preclude them from being on the board.

Random question and I can do my own research if no one knows, did the gas guzzling new fleet purchase order go through or was someone (Whitehouse, Congress) able to stop it?

I’m 99% sure it had already gone through when it was reported on. Zero chance Congress would have been able to stop it, because zero chance Manchin would vote for it. I doubt Biden cared much, either.

Do you really think that someone like former RNC chairman Mike Duncan is going to betray his party in exchange for some meaningless sinecure? These are rich dudes, bankers and such. A better job is one which gives them more political influence than being able to protect DeJoy.


Why would a director of Mitch McConnell’s super PAC do that?

There are three others you can go after.

As payment, they demand a position in a cabinet department like Labor, Commerce, or Transportation high enough to require Senate confirmation. Do you give it to them?

It’s some real bullshit sinecures are only available to already rich people, I could really go for one of those.


Unless manchin finds out the new candidate drives an electric car and then he would block them. Another blocked for solar panels, and a third for using a sun dial.

Truman would have yeeted DeJoy within a week, what are we talking about here.

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Are you saying that the distinction between firing the CFPB director and firing the Postmaster is legitimately important with the respect to the rule of law and and how it reduces the chance of revolution?

I’m not talking about SCOTUS technicalities that allow them to do something in one circumstance while disallowing it in essentially the same circumstance elsewhere (i.e. Bush v Gore). I’m talking about actual distinctions that get to the core of rule of law and people’s faith in it.

I’m saying there’s a legal interpretation possible that doesn’t have to be results oriented justification after the fact

My dad did get my birthday card in less than a week.

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No shit, my wife received a letter from August 2020 the other day. Locally sent. Postmark is clear.


Nate once again with his finger on the pulse of e-dems.

And how about that student debt time bomb Nate?

I think nate is right, going after trump isn’t likely to help biden at the polls. Of course, sitting on his hands and doing nothing is also unlikely to help at the polls.

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