The Presidency of the Joes, part II: lol documents

Weed is basically legally everywhere (I think less than 10 states still have it completely illegal) so of course it’s the perfect time for these losers to grandstand on it and ultimately pass nothing. I’m in Oklahoma and we have had legal weed so long I have already had to renew my weed card once. The idea of them finally getting around to it as some kind of a home run is very weird thinking. Most people will roll their eyes and weed will get worse as the independent shops and growers get run over and out of business by Amazon and Wal-Mart weed grown in sweat shops in Central America.

(Obviously it should be legal nationwide but no doubt the bill will be full of carveouts for all of the worst people fucking up what is a good system in 41 of 50 states completely).

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Texas never going to legalize weed. :cry:



i want a party that admits cocaine sex orgies are fun and cool


Like 350,000 people were arrested for weed in 2020. It’s short-sighted to pretend lifting the federal prohibition is nbd.

Lame of me but can i get cliffs of the last 3 months. Ive paid zero aftention

I assume waaf still? Is there any hope?

No. It’s gotten worse.

Even I am no longer in the vote for the least worst camp! Everyone is either corrupt, gains from it so won’t act, or both.

US is a cesspool with no sign of redemption.

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Damn lol. I figured.

When we starting a commune?

I don’t know if this is a bold prediction or not, but this is going to be a big thing on the right and there’s going to be a lot of pressure on Biden to call back Kyle Rittenhouse. Right now I’d say there’s a 25% chance Biden calls him back before 2024.

Nothing much has changed in the last three months. Inflation is bad, it’s going to hurt Biden/Dems. They continue to accomplish nothing domestically other than not being incompetent lunatics, massive foreign policy crisis with the war and Biden is doing a good job on it. Unless you turn on Fox News, then of course it’s all entirely his fault and we need Trump back to stand up to Putin (lol).

Hey @ThisIsKyleR, put a gun in your mouth and pull the trigger.

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Well first off Dems aren’t doing it. Second off if they do it will have a bunch of means testing type dogshit in it. Third off if they do it will make things bad in other ways that hurt people who work in the industry in the states where it is currently legal (which is basically all of them outside of the absolute most horrific places to live in the country).

I’m all for full legalization everywhere but pretending like these clowns are going to do it, or if they do it do it right is completely insane. It also isn’t some huge political victory at this point. Like 85%+ of the US population has legal weed at this point where they actually fought and won the right. Watching a bunch of geriatric fucks pass some terrible federal weed law isn’t going to move the needle at all.

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Brandon is cancelling Rittenhouse. If a random young male white murderer can’t get in touch with the president whenever he likes then the woke left really have won.


The horrors of legalization are only limited by your imagination, it seems.

Or your repeated experience of life.


I think you mean Freedom Fighter.

lol, so we’re now against legalizing pot because the House Dems are for it. This is some peak Chapo Brain shit.


Based on my experience with legalization in Ontario, the biggest downside to legalization in day to day life is that you end up with dispensaries FUCKING EVERYWHERE. They clutter up the retail space like you wouldn’t believe. A lot of them ultimately failed but it was really annoying in the months following legalization to have every other retail shop opening be a marijuana dealer when you are not a user. Can I have an ice cream store or something please?


I’m not against legalizing pot. It’s that the Dems aren’t going to legalize pot anyways and if they did the bill likely makes it worse in the vast majority of the country. If you don’t think they would put a bunch of ridiculous stuff in a Dem mj bill then i don’t know what to tell you. It would be full of corporate handouts and regulation that will likely hurt the industry. I don’t really want the Obamacare version of legalization.

A clean mj legalization bill would be amazing obviously.

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I’m sympathetic, but give the market time to mature and I am sure that you will find that legal weed will also drive up ice cream demand.