The Presidency of the Joes, part II: lol documents

Sure but not one that would work.

presume this is the article:

I don’t see what you’re really objecting to. Making a whole set of specific plans tailored to this new reality along with the actions needed to make those plans plausible seems entirely reasonable. It’d be malpractice if they weren’t doing these things.

I just wish they’d focus on America’s real problems. Like CRT in our schools.


i agree with you, it absolutely should be done. i just feel like it’s what we pay all that money to the pentagon for. like they don’t have a handle on this?

We’ll be over a trillion in no time, given the situation.

Could still be this year.

Seems to me that this kind of work is what you do when you have a handle on this.

Think of the gas for all those vehicles.

Today Joe became President



The White House fires people through email, lol

gov’t is so big they’re probably like, wait this fucker is here wtf every few weeks

Urban Meyer , Retired American College Football Player and Coach
Appointed on October 8, 2020 for a two-year term.

of course

What is the latest on the detention camps? I haven‘t heard anything about them in a while.

There are blond white children suffering in Ukraine, the media doesn’t are about brown kids in cages in the US anymore.


Yet Dejoy remains.

DeJoy isn’t violating the Hatch Act.

Anyways, the president can’t directly remove the postmaster general and the nominal Democratic majority on the board of governors includes a Trump-appointed “moderate” whose term doesn’t expire until December 2022 and who can only be fired “for cause”, which the Biden administration is like too honest to manufacture.

Realistically, the earliest DeJoy can be replaced is probably early 2023.

Blah blah blah blah blah

I’m sorry if your failure to understand how government actually works makes you a slightly smarter Marjorie Taylor Greene.

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A majority of the SCOTUS believes that the POTUS has the authority to fire any member of the executive branch of the government.