The Presidency of the Joes, part II: lol documents


Well this is certainly a take.

Have they? Pretty sure the leaders are basically in cahoots with them and being willing partners in America’s shift to the far right

As we’ve seen on this site, almost daily, many pontificators just can’t get their heads wrapped around the idea that you can oppose Group A and that doesn’t mean that you are necessarily completely in love with everything about everybody that is not Group A. OH YOU DONT LIKE PEPSI WELL THEN YOU MUST BY LOGIC CONSUME 736 BARRELS OF COKE PER DAY I AM VERY SMART.

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It’s not their failure to set priorities. Their priorities are protecting their corporate donors’ interests.

Dems out here getting outflanked on the left by…the South Carolina legislature

Feds already have paid family leave for employees. I think you missed that it’s only for state employees.

Ah, fair

At least the test was free, am I right, Jen?


Crazy timing with the positive results, too…

“Psaki last tested positive on the eve of his last foreign trip in October”

I want to use up my covid quarantine now but I’m holding out hope the guidelines last until GTA6 comes out.

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Aka “Ben Simmons back”


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i just swiped it away cause i couldn’t stand it, but i shoulda screenshotted it. new york times pushed a story, it said, “biden is quietly assembling a team to figure out what we do if russia uses nukes or bioweapons”. so the $750 billion a year we spend at the pentagon, they don’t know, they didn’t come up with anything. biden has to figure it out by himself, quietly, probably quietly because it’s so embarrassing to the nation to spend that much on military and for them to be this useless


$816 billion next year

To be fair that question is a policy question and therefore appropriate terrain for civilian oversight. It would be extremely alarming if that question were answered by military bureaucracy without civilian input.

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I feel like you could build a nuclear shield for 500 billion.

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The $816 billion/year has basically nothing to do with protecting the country from much of anything.

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