The Presidency of the Joes, part II: lol documents

Got an OMB dude confirmed today after 418 days too


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It was an OMB dudette, so they’ve got that going for them. Democrats Deliver!

“Undo stuff Trump did” is the absolute bare minimum of what should be done by a Democratic trifecta.

They need to do stuff that is going to make an immediate positive difference in everyone’s lives, and brag about that. They can’t brag, because they aren’t doing that.

I seriously doubt a permanent daylight savings requires any programming. It just means you no longer do any special bits you might do on that night. Mind you most computer systems/programs completely ignore it to begin with and do everything in UTC.

We have a clock that still adjusts based on the old change dates.

Pre wifi connection. Drives my wife nuts.

There is a lot of UI stuff that tends to fail around daylight savings especially duration type calculations not showing correctly to the end user but internally they should all use UTC these days. What frustrates me the most is the amount of code that fails to display stuff correctly in a different timezone as that fails mostly in Australia/New Zealand where tomorrow becomes today.

This is mostly correct. Nothing really needs to be reprogrammed. The way most computers keep up with this nowadays is that there are a series of configuration files for each time zone, and in those are things like 1) standard time offset from UTC 2) does DST exist 3) if so, when does it start and end and what’s the offset during DST.

All that needs to happen is an update of those conf files.

These can be updated on very short notice in most cases.


I agree but also if Joe loses his next election and we pick up another seat somewhere else a different senator would just take his place as biggest dem establishment asshole to screw people over.

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Did he really say this? No comprende

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Refugees from Central American still need to wait in the back, obv.


“… and then blackmails.”

if you had only posted the transcript I would have said that was defintely Trump rambling, not great Joe

At this point, not only might it be tone deaf and stupid not to extend, it might be illegal. Im pretty sure people have to have written notice 30 days before payments are to restart

Standard western immigration policy

If Biden puts little blond kids in border cages there will be another insurrection.

That means if they want to restart them in May they get to send out the notifications on April Fools Day, epic prank imo.

I thought those were the onea saying theyd restart in Jan
