The Presidency of the Joes, part II: lol documents

Does Tulsi have the lowest VORP in Congress? idk why the Dems haven’t tried to get her replaced with some basic vanilla Hawaii Democrat.

Why does he even care what a Fed nominee thinks about clean energy?

She’s a former member of Congress.

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It seems his number one priority is to advance the interests of the fossil fuel industry. Why wouldn’t he used every tool at his disposal to suppress opposition to his key constituents? It doesn’t cost him anything.

Wait what? Why is she still in my Twitter now that she’s just a random crazy person and not a congressperson?

Can’t someone make a Photoshop of Tulsi in carbonite a la Han Solo and make a joke about freezing Russian assets?


Russian bot farms are pushing a Russian asset.

Right because our Congressional progressives are feckless pushovers** who didn’t have the guts to tell Biden and Manchin to take the Bipartisan Infrastructure Framework, turn it sideways, and shove up their rich, white, wrinkled asses until they passed BBB.

It needs to start costing him and the establishment something. The GOP and Manchin shut shit down, block necessary appointments, and gum up the works until they get what they want… and guess what? They usually do!

** Or they’re just bought and paid for too. It’s probably that.

She ran for president and she’s a Fox News contributor? And the algorithms have figured out that you keep rage-clicking?


You don’t get to talk up the importance of climate change and serve and important role in the government of the United States of Corporate America, nor do you get to speak out against the hard-earned bailouts of the bootstrappy fossil fuel industry.

Moreover, she’s personally expressed the view that the Fed should have resisted pressure from climate-polluting fossil-fuel companies who wanted pandemic-related bailouts, and instead encouraged a shift to renewable energy sources.

The fossil-fuel industry would have seemingly little say over who runs the Federal Reserve, but it has donated generously to the campaigns of all twelve Republican members of the Senate Banking Committee. According to OpenSecrets, the nonpartisan campaign-finance watchdog group, the industry has contributed more than eight million dollars to the collective campaigns of the dozen senators. The industry appears to be using this leverage to send a message that it will not tolerate the Fed, or any other financial regulators, treating climate change as a potential systemic economic risk.

But please, tell me more about how the system is working as designed and I just have Social Media Brain.

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Vlad’s crashing drones into NATO countries left and right.

Because she’s an attractive “Democrat” who upped her profile by running for president and she parrots every Conservative/Russian talking point so Fox News loves her. She’s “one of the good ones.”

Aging poorly:

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Democrats Deliver!


I’m kind of hoping Biden vetoes the daylight savings thing for his corporate overlords for the lols. Apparently it would cause some expensive reprogramming of financial institutions computer systems.

Like “Well we didn’t get BBB, they fucked us on the child tax credit, gas is $5 a gallon, groceries are 20% more expensive, but at least they gave us permanent daylight savings! Democrats Deli- wait, what?? He vetoed? Oh for fucks sake!”

what if permanent daylight savings solves all of society’s problems


How are we going to pay for it?


We can’t afford to raise the debt ceiling by 1 hour


I’m starting to think Manchin was right that the Democrats need to brag more about their accomplishments. Even here, where we follow this dumb shit more than 95% of people, we’ve forgotten such groundbreaking achievements as:

And of course passing the Extending Government Funding and Delivering Emergency Assistance Act, because making sure that the government doesn’t shut down due to lack of funding is apparently an achievement and not a basic task for Congress.

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