The Presidency of the Joes, part II: lol documents

Needs moar military.

No matter how much he spends he’ll always be The Coward Of Afghanistan.

The OpEds are already starting. Spending currently like 3% of GDP, pitch is needs to get back to like 9% like in the old days. Why it needs to grow linearly with GDP remains a mystery

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It’s absurd. Even if we spent 250 billion a year on the military we would have no worries, and imagine the social programs we could implement for 500 billion a year. A cool 1700 per person.

Yeahhhhhhhhhh, im pretty much ready for Captain Tripps. Bring it the fuck on. We deserve every bit of it.

And in the White House, Captain Spaulding.

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All the jlaw ok gifs in the world

Dems control all three branches, now worse COVID response than the Trump era, GJGE.


It’s almost like, and hear me out on this, the Democrats are the problem not the solution.


I can’t even allow myself to think about how fucked we are for the next pandemic

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I remain confident that Manchin will vote to confirm.

It’s all the other stuff where WAAF.

It’s going to be fine because we all rallied together and found within ourselves the resolve to block Bernie Sanders from being President and taxing some rich people.


here comes vorp!!!


Republican presidents prioritize tax cuts and tax cuts never pay for themselves.

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Think how big of an asshole you have to be to vote against a woman who is so obviously qualified when her son recently died by suicide.

Yes, but she supports clean energy. Coal barons gonna coal baron, right up until we’re all dead from climate change. He probably owns some future oceanfront property in West Virginia, too.

Like, Joe Manchin is just occupying that sensible middle, full of Americans who would rather die in hurricanes and wildfires and surrender our coastal cities to the rising oceans, rather than use clean energy like a bunch of liberal wusses.