The Presidency of the Joes: more like INFRASTRUCTURE WEAK

Call them what you want, they are evil. Defending them is evil.

I’m going to pass on having a debate with you on whether they should be called concentration camps or child abuse camps or child torture camps or happy friendly Biden day care camps. The name assigned to them doesn’t matter and the fact you are wanting to focus on what we call them rather than what they are is truly sick.

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Oh, ffs everyone the shitprog/progiturd was clearly tongue in cheek because people like Victoar like to call some of us more centrist posters shitlibs.

Well ok then. That combined with Basic trolling Micro on immigration did not make that clear.

Influx facilities are meant to be temporary and are not subject to the same licensing as permanent shelters. The news about Carrizo Springs prompted criticism of the administration returning to “kids in cages”, from prominent figures on the left and right. But many advocates have said despite their serious concerns these shelters are preferable to the alternative available today: keeping children at a border patrol facility while sponsors are vetted.

I don’t know why Micro and Witchita think it’s fine to simply allow unaccompanied minors to just wander the streets of a foreign country.

Also, LOL at an international border being an “imaginary line.”

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Please. There is a huge difference between operating camps where you are intentionally trying to separate families and keep kids in detention there for as long as possible to discourage immigration versus operating them as temporary shelters while your administration tries to place and vet. Also, if these facilities are still opearated in this manner in a year, then I will absolutely jump on the WTF bandwagon. Biden has been in power for 2 months.


Yeah there’s this perception among leftists on this board that because Trump totally ignored the law that’s an option now. It isn’t. It just isn’t. That’s near the top of the list of what we were voting against in November.


I don’t know why you think caging them in bad conditions with ICE goons is preferable to just letting them continue on their journey. Did it suddenly get more dangerous when they crossed the border? Why aren’t we trying to help them before they get here?

I don’t advocate voting third party, but I do advocate for letting people vote their conscience.

That being said, it seems clear that the path towards defeating the Democratic establishment lies with winning an internal party struggle and not through destroying the party from the outside so that a new, more progressive party can emerge in its place. Vote for a third party if you think that someone like Joe Biden is evil and that voting for someone like him makes you morally complicit in his evil, but you’re wrong if you think that voting for a third party will hasten a progressive revolution.

There comes a point when it becomes counter-productive to argue against someone who is trying to vote their conscience. (And I do think Manchin and Sinema are likely to be voting their conscience on the filibuster and not engaging in Machiavellian politics to enhance their personal power.)

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And lots of people here think there is a better alternative than both of these and that Biden should be fighting for that.


Didn’t Obama just let them in with a court date? Why are we not doing that now?

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Should those be the only two options?

I don’t disagree, necessarily, but I would like to see how it would work in practice.

You get that these kids didn’t just wander up from Guatemala on foot, right? Like, you get that they were dropped off at the border by coyotes with the intention of being apprehended? You really think the solution is “Lets let these kids try to hoof it to California and see what happens?”


Maybe don’t make it your mission to spread doom, gloom, and WAAF with every post. You spent much of the spring and summer posting like this. It’s exhausting to read.

And most of them are meeting family here right? It’s hard for me to think crossing Central America is actually more dangerous than Texas but maybe it is.

Yeah, no, I don’t get that the first sentence is accurate at all in a majority of these cases, at the border.

Edit: As in, they’re not crossing the border and there’s Aunt Joan waiting with a pickup truck to drive them to California. Also child trafficking is very much a thing and non-relatives do need to be vetted.


Last Spring and Summer were great! Sorry I didn’t have more positive things to say to keep you uplifted.

Also these seems like a weird post since your only contributions to the forum are two sentence snark.

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I didn’t mean to imply that they met the family at the border itself. Don’t the stats show 90%+ have family here they are coming to live with?

Do you not believe the reports of rampant abuse in these facilities?


Absolutely. But your posts do seem to imply we should just be waving them on their way and wishing them good luck as they hoof it through the desert on to california.