The Presidency of the Joes: more like INFRASTRUCTURE WEAK

Didn’t Obama just let them in with a court date? Why are we not doing that now?

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Should those be the only two options?

I don’t disagree, necessarily, but I would like to see how it would work in practice.

You get that these kids didn’t just wander up from Guatemala on foot, right? Like, you get that they were dropped off at the border by coyotes with the intention of being apprehended? You really think the solution is “Lets let these kids try to hoof it to California and see what happens?”


Maybe don’t make it your mission to spread doom, gloom, and WAAF with every post. You spent much of the spring and summer posting like this. It’s exhausting to read.

And most of them are meeting family here right? It’s hard for me to think crossing Central America is actually more dangerous than Texas but maybe it is.

Yeah, no, I don’t get that the first sentence is accurate at all in a majority of these cases, at the border.

Edit: As in, they’re not crossing the border and there’s Aunt Joan waiting with a pickup truck to drive them to California. Also child trafficking is very much a thing and non-relatives do need to be vetted.


Last Spring and Summer were great! Sorry I didn’t have more positive things to say to keep you uplifted.

Also these seems like a weird post since your only contributions to the forum are two sentence snark.

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I didn’t mean to imply that they met the family at the border itself. Don’t the stats show 90%+ have family here they are coming to live with?

Do you not believe the reports of rampant abuse in these facilities?


Absolutely. But your posts do seem to imply we should just be waving them on their way and wishing them good luck as they hoof it through the desert on to california.

I’m saying it would be better than the status quo. The best thing to do obviously would be to immediately and actively help them reach their family.

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As indicated, these facilities need to go in the long term and these kids need to be placed in appropriate facilities for children for temporary shelter. I absolutely agree with you there. This was a quick border surge two months into Biden’s term that is overwhelming resources right now. Talk to me again in 6 months to a year and maybe at that point I’ll agree with you that this is all Biden’s fault if this doesn’t improve.

Letting them hoof it through the desert or letting them get smuggled over to non-relatives who could be traffickers without any kind of check is absolutely not better than the status quo, no, I have to disagree with you there.

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Fair enough. I guess I’m just skeptical we won’t have large numbers of migrants locked up 6 months from now.

If that’s how Wichita feels, then that’s how Wichita should post. We live in difficult times and we need the share that burden by being willing to listen to the concerns of other people, even when we disagree.


I edited it into a previous post but do you not believe there is/was rampant abuse in these facilities? Walking to the nearest town 3 miles from the border and calling their aunt to come get them can’t be more dangerous than dealing with ICE goons plus the abuse they could be facing from their fellow inmates.

Do you believe it is possible to create a facility where rampant abuse does not occur?

Chesspain is a therapist lol.

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I really think “walking to the nearest town and getting their aunt to come get them” is a gross oversimplification of a lot of the circumstances these kids face. I’m sure there is abuse at these facilities. It appears to me to be the least bad option right now, from a list of very bad options. I mean, a better option would be for the government to pour a billion dollars or so into constructing decent buildings and actually putting all the kids up in hotels or dormitories, not going to disagree with you there.

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Theoretically. I don’t think you can with the makeup of our current border agencies though.

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