The Presidency of the Joes: more like INFRASTRUCTURE WEAK

Why do you need buildings? I propose a refugee tent camp, with space for outside observers to live in the camp.

Because it gets really fucking hot?

Eh, theyā€™ll manage. Just keep them properly hydrated.

My fellow shitprogs need to get thicker skin and understand differences and debate are ok. Itā€™s good to debate with people who believe in facts, who can be pushed. Remember when we pushed Jman into getting on board with giving up insurance for M4A?

I do think the ganging up on people is lame and should stop. Also the shitprog was an attack on posters here, while shitlib was an attack on shitty politicians, but it was so lame I just laughed at it.

Still debate with people who believe in facts is good.


Yeah, shitlib was absolutely used to attack posters here.


I canā€™t tell if you are joking but i recently did some tent camping near the border in Texas and it was insanely hot in early March. I canā€™t imagine what summer must be like.

Iā€™m not sure I have ever used it. I donā€™t think I have. But my impression was that 98% of the time it was used as Stim says. On occasion it has been leveled at specific posters.

Dude it would take weeks and weeks for the government to setup a procedure for doing what youā€™re describing. Once again youā€™re massively underestimating how much bullshit red tape is needed to get any part of the government to do anything, even when youā€™re the president. Add to that the fact that I 1000% guarantee that the people on the ground are slow walking every single thing to manufacture a crisis for political reasons and your expectations were dead on arrival.

Itā€™s not like Biden gives an order and it instantly gets executed lol.


Iā€™m probably being a bit flippant, although thereā€™s partly a feeling that building fancy detention centers will make the government feel obligated to fill them, while something less permanent prevents the establishment of a status quo.

My actual stance is that Biden should issue executive orders to curb the most egregious abuses (and, yes, I am suggesting he ignore the less egregious abuses), then punt and defer most immigration issues until a comprehensive bill can be considered in Congress. And that bill should probably take a backseat to considering things like infrastructure and climate change.

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Oh I donā€™t disagree with you. Iā€™m saying in my opinion if you canā€™t do that (and if you canā€™t humanely house people) the only moral option is to let them in. Give them an asylum court date if you want to. I understand people here think a 16 year old is in more danger free in Texas than they are in an ICE cage but I disagree. I also donā€™t know what that says about this country if it is actually true that being free as a teenager is worse than being locked up with largely MAGA goons.


Those MAGA goons are the tools Biden has to use to fix the border crisis, and Iā€™m guessing when this is all over and the question ā€˜why did it take so longā€™ gets answered itā€™s going to be ā€˜because we were 100% focused on COVIDā€™ and/or ā€˜the MAGA goons only complied with us maliciouslyā€™. My bet is on and.

The border isnā€™t even a top 5 issue for this administration right now, and thatā€™s because the last administration left more than five massive trash fires you could see from space. More Americans probably died of COVID since Biden took office than unaccompanied minors crossed the border in that same time.

The federal government is massive and can walk and chew gum at the same time, but two months is still massively within any reasonable grace period. Thereā€™s no Thanos snap solutions to anything here unfortunately.

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It was not directed at you.

Exactly. The people in those agencies shouldnā€™t even be allowed within school zones, let alone looking after vulnerable kids. These were the people posting in that racist facebook group fantasizing about barbecuing kids, raping Latinas and murdering people at the border.

Should the border/immigration be a top five issue for the Biden administration?
  • Yes
  • No

0 voters

Poll relies on the degree of abstraction of ā€œissueā€

I want to be clear about this pointā€¦ this isnā€™t because immigration isnā€™t important. Itā€™s very important and under normal circumstances it would be a top 3 issue for sure. It just doesnā€™t impact enough total human beings in a major way to be more important than building an entirely new COVID response, COVID financial relief, getting our entire foreign policy back on the road, restaffing the federal government (without which you can do very little on the border anyway which is why itā€™s first)ā€¦ and Iā€™m sure Iā€™m forgetting at least 2-3 other major goddamn things.

But this is my point: there are so many massive trash fires still in a state of uncontrolled burn right now that nothing is going to get done as fast as the less operationally minded posters here expect. They can get really butthurt about that and pretend that Bernie could have made it so, but thatā€™s bullshit because the task takes X time to complete and we arenā€™t even at X-90 days yet.


I think wealth inequality, climate change, voter rights, and health care are all higher priority items in terms of transformative policy. In terms of optics and ethics and political capital, moving swiftly to end human rights issues at the border is probably worth elevating into that group of priorities.


This is probably an underrated issue because it wasnā€™t that long ago that you could take it for granted that the Federal government had the horsepower to get things done.

You forgot climate change.

Iā€™m waffling between yes and no here tbh.