The Presidency of the Joes, part II: lol documents

the diabeetus kid

it wasn’t even his birthday, his birthday was the day BEFORE the STOU

We got him again!

at least three? wow

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Sounds bad

bad for the jan 6 committee.

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It polls at 47-47 among Republicans and they won’t do it. Bought. And. Paid. For.






It’s that the billionaire donors don’t want it and corporate America doesn’t want it and the banks don’t want it, and Joe Biden is their fully owned subsidiary.


Just LOL at this fossil pushing for a return to the office as gas prices double and in the midst of 10% inflation (and way more than that for housing, food, energy and health care). Great job Joe, A+

Watching this guy talk tilts me like 90% as much as Trump. He is an absolutely atrocious orator.

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Wait until he starts student loan repayments like three months before midterms.

US should be a fun place to be by the end of this year. Think how angry everyone is now and layer in being forced back to horrid commutes with $6 gas, student loan payments, and NASDAQ 10,000 hats back in vogue and everyone should be in a great mood for when the Pi variant kicks up in December.


It’s not everyone though. I’m pretty sure that the lives of the well off are going to keep getting better (wage increases, keep aspects of work from home and/or hybrid work, no student loans, government and central bank action to prop up failing capital markets to the extent possible) at least for a little while. This is going to be the decade of the the K-shaped response by people in power. When faced with the biggest crises imaginable in the decline phase of the American empire, the well off people with access to controls are going to find themselves always choosing to help themselves while finding the catch phrases necessary to tell themselves they’re just being Responsible Adults.


Latest Quinnipiac poll has Biden’s approval rating at 33% among 18-34 year olds.

Midterms are gonna go great.

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Well, it’s a good thing they don’t vote.


This is sustainable.

Weird, 5% wage growth doesn’t help when inflation is 10% and housing costs 20% more.

But I’m sure Jen Psaki and Grandpa Joe insisting everything is great will work wonders in elections.

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Many lost the child tax credit. So even a big nope to 5% income growth.

Luckily seems like the Dems are about to revive the domestic agenda with a Joe Manchin written bill to cut spending and raise taxes. Should be a bit hit among the party’s base. He has suggested Dems can choose one (1) area to address as part of this bill.

fossil diggers know how to troll


Hell no, let’s stop fucking around with those things and just leave them buried in the Earth, FFS.


At least by then we’ll have given up on any kind of mitigation strategy so it will give lots of people the sweet release of death.


People will celebrate it as the silver lining to a shitty year, speeding up herd immunity and being so mild as to be compared to a gentle massage. The 5% of us who think they’re nuts will just shake our heads in amazement.

Then on New Years Eve, “Finally, 2022 is over! 2023 has to be better!”

As 5% of us smirk, shake our heads, and trudge along.

That would be the 7th straight year I say this.