The Presidency of the Joes, part II: lol documents

lol. Seems like jumped the gun on what she thought was an applause line and then just went with it to try not to look stupid (narrator: she looked stupid). Like when you trip over nothing and start lightly jogging like you meant to do that all along.

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She also tripped over her own two feet standing up too fast just prior, but I havenā€™t seen that video circulating. She had an odd few minutes.

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There it is. For a split second I thought she was going face first into the desk. Actually Iā€™m wondering if she did it twice cause it looked worse on CNN, different camera angle perhaps.

Yggy stole my bit

Ok fine. At least do this, then?

Thereā€™s a very old SNL bit where Dan Quayle stands up at inappropriate times to clap at the SOTU, this looked exactly like that.

To enact Manchinā€™s vision, Democrats would also have to bargain with Sen. Kyrsten Sinema (D-Ariz.) who last year steered the party toward surtaxes and corporate minimum taxes ā€” and away from raising individual and corporate tax rates.

but every rake is a senator


Yeah, was gonna say, we already tried this, Sinema and Manchin have irreconcilable asks. We in theory have two different bills that will lose 51-49.

What a coincidence!

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Iā€™ve been trying to figure the Biden administrationā€™s thinking on federal student loan relief, a campaign emphasis that has apparently been abandoned. It seems to be fairly popular in polls Iā€™ve seen (but do NOT engage in any conversation about it on Twitter unless you want to be flooded with ā€œwhy doesnā€™t the govt pay my morgudge #MAGAā€ or ā€œpay youā€™re own debts deadbeatā€). Bidenā€™s staff asked the Ed Dept to prepare an analysis of Bidenā€™s ability to cancel any or all of the debt himself, and they have purposefully hidden that report from the public for months. All Iā€™ve ever heard Psaki speak of it in pressers is that Congress can send Biden a bill authorizing $10K in loan forgiveness and heā€™ll sign it, which is clearly a dodge and, frankly, pathetic. They must be worried about this hurting Dem campaigns across the board? Are they worried about the chudsā€™ ā€œwhen do I get free money to pay for my car loan etcā€ becoming a loud voice that will sway public opinion? Maybe they think Biden wiping away student loans himself will result in tons of ā€œPresidential overreach and abuse of office powersā€ campaign attacks? My guess is that forgiving loans will put a magnifying glass on higher ed reform for the (immediate) future, as wiping out current student loan debt and then going forward with the same system causing new students to accrue the same unmanageable debts and interest costs is not acceptable. Thatā€™s a huge task, would require buy-in from all over (Joeā€™s specialty!) and they just donā€™t want to deal with it, itā€™s too hard.

What if the Education Department analysis determined that he canā€™t and heā€™s hiding that?

I guess I donā€™t really understand why heā€™d hide that. If the administrationā€™s public stance has switched from ā€œforgive student debt for low-income and middle class familiesā€ to ā€œCongress needs to send us a billā€ why wouldnā€™t they say that pivot was because of Ed Dept findings? ā€œNothing we can do about it, Jackā€ and hand wipe

Heā€™s a boomer dipshit whose entire career has been funded by predatory lenders, the end.

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The loans have come directly from the US government since like 2010, no more middlemen to skim risk free profits but does still directly affect the national debt.

He is a boomer that runs in elite circles, the overwhelming # of college grads he knows personally probably donā€™t need relief and he figures the tweaks and small programs he has initiated are good enough for now to address the issues of theoretical college grads out there that do need help.

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Iā€™ve said this before but the only thing that makes even the smallest of sense here is that heā€™s saving it for ~1-2 months before the midterms. Other than, of course, total incompetence.

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sorry fi posted before, I ainā€™t reading 100 new posts

Whose bday?

Just prepare for student loans resuming because how can we pay for that with the need for a massive defense ramp up and increased public safety/police funding. Because thatā€™s what is coming down the pike.

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