“You worked your ass off to put us in power, now go work harder to overcome stuff we refuse to do anything about.” There’s a winning message.
Plus look at how we’ve used the power and all this stuff we’ve done for you to make it worth you bothering to overcome the restrictions…
seems fine to me tbh, the dumb “well some dipshit with a D in some podunk local democratic committee said defund the police therefore biden hates cops” line is dumb, this reporter’s question was dumb, and she deserved to get dunked on.
I won’t believe it until Stacey Abrams demonstrates that it’s true IRL.
The amount of frustration that people think that you can fight tilting the scales by working harder or some idiocy is unbelievable
They are executing percentage points gains by reducing democracy you absolute shitheads
They’re working on that too. Garland filed suit against the Georgia law.
Republicans won’t give up on their voter suppression strategy until Democrats prove that they can win in spite of it.
Too bad the Federal courts are fucked.
Once you realize Biden is actually the perfect stooge to permanently collapse democracy by allowing it to happen under a Democratic president it all kind of makes sense. If Trump was president people would actually be paying attention to what is happening. Having a hapless Joe Biden and Dems controlling congress while accomplishing nothing is really the worst case scenario for preserving democracy and the future of the country. It will happen without people in the streets and most people won’t even be aware of it. They won’t even be aware of it after it has happened and the Republicans control the Federal government for the next few decades-forever.
Honestly I think they know and tried they just suck at their jobs And couldn’t convince manchin and crew so this is all they got
Reconciliation or bi partisan? Probably both.
Silver lining
Maybe jack and Zuckerberg go to prison after the fascists have a stranglehold on power.
Trump is nothing if not vindictive
Biden admin has finished conducting its review of the Trump admin drone strike policy and decided, yes to drone strikes.
I guess Biden bombs will achomplish so much more than Trump bombs.
Hey under Joe Biden, Democrat, the detained immigrants are held in tent cities managed by the Department of Health and Human Services!!!
“Holding children in these large military-type tent facilities is a clear violation of the 1997 Flores Settlement,” Schey said. “Children should not be forced to be drenched in torrential rainstorms in order to access basic services such as food, toilets, or case management.”
Maybe Biden is a fucking monster.
Unfortunately his donors are mostly GOP centric. VORP Gives VORP taketh away.
So 99% done?
It’s because they’re old as fuck, will be dead and DGAF