The Presidency of the Joes, part II: lol documents

Might as well throw in free nintendos for everyone

Not watching coz Iā€™d rather watch paint dry but equity futures barely moving during the speech so uneventful I guess (unlike under Trump).

ā€œRead my lipsā€

Was there a way to bet if heā€™ll mention anything about student loans? (he wonā€™t)

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More corps in DELAWARE, cā€™mon joe.

I think Hillary would be more improvazational than Joe, and Hillary ainā€™t exactly fancy free.

If I controlled the lower third graphics, Iā€™d have just gotten fired for putting up:

Useless Fuck | Attorney General


Some decent policy initiatives but they get lost in the pablum.

I mean you basically have a decent guy with good instincts and a strong staff.

Minimum wage needs to be at least $25 now.

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Is manchin clapping? Sinema?

If Putin blasted only Washington, would the U.S. retaliate by blasting only Moscow?

Lol Joe 95% of the country has already accepted living with covid permanently. GJGE though.

He has a pretty clear cadence and emphasis on the lines that are lead-ups to applause, at least as long as the audience plays along. He could be like, ā€œIn May Americans are going to start repaying their student loans, and theyā€™re going to do it the way itā€™s SUPPOSED to be. Theyā€™re going to do with with DIGNITY (podium fist, whoop and 11 claps) and the RESILIENCE (clapping crescendo) they have as the economy RECOVERS!ā€ (full applause)


You crypto bros could probably make the same money grifting the right wing with 1/10th the effort and 1/millionth the risk.

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How about the two-fold pocket square though

He needed to end two minutes ago.

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Length of speaking time is not Bidenā€™s friend.

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I heard fun. Fun the police!

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Stand, corporate lapdog.

Sit, corporate lapdog.

Stand, corporate lapdog.

Now roll over for your masters.

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