The Presidency of the Joes, part II: lol documents

Literally anyone will seem like a compassionate conservative compared to Trump. And it’s not about policy, it’s about psychology. “I’m not a bad person, I didn’t vote for Trump, I just want limited government and free enterprise…”

DeSantis is going to be incredible at deplorable rhetoric to get the nomination followed by an immediate pivot for the general election. I’ve been saying it for years, the guy is hyper elite at this stuff.


Ok, let’s role play this. I’m DeSantis and you’re a center-right suburbanite in a swing state (take your pick). It’s a town hall, you’ve got the mic, go ahead Krayz from ____________, what’s your question?

If he does go full deplorable, I’m not sure if he pivots for general he’ll be able to drive out the base like Trump.

Trump also got 8 million less votes than Biden. His approach is likely not optimal, it is just the only way he is able to play/execute and happened to be optimal if your goal is to squeak out an electoral college win while being despised by a huge chunk of the country.

yeah it’s pretty obvious DeSantis gets all the general GOP vote who just couldn’t stand trump the person but pure trumpers ain’t going to his rallies.

I still haven’t seen a desantis sign, some people still have trump signs up.

that’s all part of scorching free press, no? it is to me

When you talk about the possibility of scorching the free press if Trump wins again, I think of attacks on the First Amendment, trying to shut down networks, starting crazy investigations into anchors/reporters, etc. Basically making it de facto illegal to cover the news in a way the Trump Administration doesn’t like.

If you just mean riling up the lunatics to try to kill journalists, then yeah they’re worried about that for sure.

riling up the rwnj to threaten violence at eg katie turr,and threatening the failing nytimes with libel, while getting glowing coverage from the propaganda arm fox/oan is all a part of the gop takeover of media. attacking institutions is more likely to succeed when multiple attack vectors are employed.

When Biden is on the 2024 ticket against Trump you will be first in line to vote Biden, as you should.

Or are you going to stand pat if De Santis is on the ticket?

De Santis will get the pure trumpers too.

The pure trumpers still have a hatred for Biden and Kamala for their “stolen” 2020 election.

If Trump steps aside and endorses De Santis, that’s one thing. But if there’s an extended fight all bets are off. Also, Trump has taken over the GOP, so a huge portion of people in official positions, from the national party on down, are Trump cultists. I really hope De Santis tries to take Trump in a hostile fashion but I don’t think that’s what’s going to happen.

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Never happening in a million years and if he somehow drops dead, Junior or Ivanka will throw their hats in the ring as heir apparent.

Not voting in either case barring major changes in the Biden approach. This includes BBB passage, which is a non-negotiable.

Yeah. I think Trump squashes “Liddle Ron” like a bug if he runs again. And I don’t think he’ll be able to resist running again if DeSantis announces first. That said, I think DeSantis will wait until Trump makes an announcement one way or the other and may opt to not run against Trump.

DeSantis is clearly going to go VP, followed by 2 terms. That is the path of least resistance.

If he takes on Trump he could get Jebbed. No need to risk that.

Only way DeSantis runs is if Trump dies or decides not to run for some reason.

IMO that’ll be too close for comfort. I think De Santis is smart enough to see that Trump burns everybody eventually. There’s risk no matter what De Santis does, but I think he tries to stay more at arm’s length than VP.


I still think the advantages of VP outweigh that disadvantage. As you say, Trump can burn him even if he just stays in the FL governor’s mansion. Nevertheless, the path you propose is plausible. The key is that he is not going up against Florida Man in 2024.

Why would you vote against Biden because of what Manchin does??

I’m not. Biden lied to and bullied progressives to get the McConnell infrastructure bill passed. I will not support that with another vote. If he hadn’t promised to get BBB passed to pass infrastructure then that would be punishing Biden because of what Manchin did.


If you’re mad about Biden lying and bullying, why would you feel better about it because Manchin subsequently does something you like? Biden still promised something he couldn’t deliver, he would just have gotten lucky that Manchin bailed him out.