The Presidency of the Joes, part II: lol documents

Come on guys. Joe Biden is not getting primaried.

That would cause a democratic civil war where you get butt hurt Joe Biden voters thumbing their nose and not voting in 2024.

Democrats won’t risk getting Trump re-elected. Better to drag Joe’s corpse across the finish line ala Weekend at Bernies.

Let’s circle back on this one.

She did say ISIS provided information themselves that said he detonated a suicide bomb.

Lol does Joe Biden actually have voters who give a fuck about him? Especially at this point let alone after 3 more years of doing jack shit?

Biden might get a primary challenger but that challenger won’t be successful

edit–well unless it’s so bad democrats are absolutely doomed in 2024 no matter who it is

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Biden seems well to the left of what congressional democrats are, so I don’t see a huge benefit in primary if him. Need to win enough seats so that sinema and manchin aren’t swing votes

The moment you run a primary challenger against him, you will start building camps between the two.
I truly believe there were enough butt hurt Bernie voters that swung the 2016 election.

Imagine if by some miracle the Dems get to 52 senate seats and hold the house. They’re a lock to do absolutely nothing even then! Like swing voter Jon Tester will suddenly have grave deficit concerns or whatever. Lol democrats.


Biden will mostly go along with the sentiment of the majority of the party. I’m not sure if he ever vetoes anything supported by a majority of Democrats.

gop was already as gerrymandered as is practical in 2010, which they crushed. 2020 made it possible for them to make their districts safer, which maybe more important for a party with a shrinking electorate. i don’t know enough about demographicsments, and certainly can’t be optimistic that it will come as fast as we need it. but if i thought i might lose next election by 7 million votes, i’d also try to shore up the districts i have, and count on senate leader to do his thing blocking the agenda.

i don’t know how the maps are going to play out in another couple of years. seems projecting for 10 years could become higher variance in this age than prior. between 2000 and 2010 brand new data and computational capacity appeared. that helped that one guy who drew the maps for the gop. but you add a bunch of people dying during covid, moving due to covid, or just plain voting for the first time because of trmp, and it should in principle becomes more murky.

No it doesn’t, they think that’s all bluster and impossible. The ruling up violence against the press thing hits close to home for them.

The issues they care most about have to do with who owns them and the ideas all the smart, rich people they go to dinner parties with espouse as common sense, and their desire to fit in with those crowds.

Can someone ELI5 what’s going on here. I haven’t been following this closely, but all I have been hearing is that the Dems are basically the Washington Generals and are getting their asses handed to them with redistricting and gerrymandering. I’m probably conflating the two things a bit, but I’m not sure they are completely independent.

In any case, what is going on? Did the Dems do something shrewd here or is it just luckboxing? I’m pretty sure it’s the latter, but I’m just checking.

They finally got their shit together and did retaliatory gerrymandering, then got two favorable rulings from the OH and NC state supreme courts that disallowed particularly aggressive GOP maps.

Fair enough, maybe they lose more that way than people like me who won’t likely vote Biden again. Will have to see I guess.

There are a ton of educated people with money who voted Biden out of disgust for Trump who will come home to the GOP at the same time low info Dems and pissed off high info Dems disengage and don’t vote.


So the GOP freerolling didn’t quite work out this time? Or some Dems finally did some true fighting back with tooth and claw?

overall the Dems out gerrymandered the R’s, just wanted it more than R’s did

bad news is they’re still going to lose the house at least, just how midterms go

The generals phrase people love to throw around here is just people not living in reality but just love to bash people they don’t like is all they want to do.

Desantis is going to clean up with these people. He’s savvy enough to hit all the dogwhistles without explicitly calling African nations shithole countries. All the “moderate” suburban anti-Trumpers will find their way back home.


It’s basically this, with the addendum that they got their shit together in some states, but they’re still leaving a ton of gerrymander potential on the table. But they made a net gain in the states they control. Meanwhile, the GOP had already pretty much gerrymandered everything it could, so they were basically just freshening up 10 year old gerrymanders, not applying new ones.

Sort of like if the goal around here was to be as concise as possible, I’d have a lot more room to improve than Riverman.

Yup, basically DeSantis could walk into a banquet at a fancy country club and survive three or four hours without anyone turning up their nose. Trump would have like a third of the room turning up their nose at his first appearance, and two-thirds by the end of the night, with the remaining third squirming in their seats trying to hide their enjoyment of his awfulness.

I think DeSantis is President in 2024.

Even the WSJ editorial page and comments are turning against Trump. With 3 more years of runway, and heading into an election they’re sure to win, every GOP power center will be all on DeSantis. He’s a dream candidate.

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I think DeSantis comes across more deplorable than is thought in this thread. Some of the policies he’s enacting in Florida are nuts. Whoever the Republicans will want to nominate will be not well thought of by suburbanites, there’s too much blood in the water.