The Presidency of the Joes, part II: lol documents

Only if he talks about the big and beautiful dog that assisted in giving that bad hombre a dirt nap

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Shut up idiot.

Not sure who thatā€™s for, just trying it out. Feels pretty good, tbh.

The best part is that it really wins people over and makes you a happier person all around. Itā€™s just a win-win every which way.

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Theoretically between this and the redistricting news there might be a path to keeping Republicans to 280 seats instead of 300.

It seems likely to me that he gets primaried, but unlikely that itā€™s successful. I think it would be a mistake for someone with future presidential aspirations to do it, so hopefully AOC wonā€™t. I could see Bernie doing it because fuck it, heā€™s too old to run in 2028 anyway. Otherwise Iā€™m not sure who lands at the intersection of progressive, credible challenger, and zero future presidential ambitions?

Every time I consider voting third party in 2024, I think of my girlfriend and how Trump and emboldened Trumpers make her feel, and of how much hassle the immigration process getting 5-10% worse could mean for her.

I get it though, emotionally, Iā€™m very angry at Biden and want to vote third party. I just canā€™t do it.

See above. Iā€™m showing up in every primary voting for the farthest left candidate with a chance, but itā€™s hard for me to justify a Pennsylvania third party vote when it makes the most important person to meā€™s life even slightly worse if Dems lose.

I didnā€™t expect this, but I expected basic human decency with regard to conditions and family separation and such. Like, shit, there was a lot of room between where we were at before and basic decency, and we didnā€™t even noticeably close the gap.

You know who youā€™re responding to right? Even self immolation would not be enough.


Yeah Iā€™m just curious if he can put together a reply that explains why I should vote in a way that harms my girlfriend and has a 0.0% chance of making a difference, and without calling me an idiot or telling me to fuck off.

Why the bolded? My gut feeling is that this is wrong, but Iā€™d like to hear why you think that.

Man the media landscape is such a massive headwind. Itā€™s the exact opposite of the GOP, every media source normie democrats consume promotes eDem bullshit.

Primarying the sitting president will hurt them so much in the party that theyā€™ll be all but dead in any future presidential primaries. They wonā€™t be able to get endorsements or support from anyone in the party who even remotely tries to play ball with, fundraise with, etc, the establishment wing.

(Lincoln Project I know - sorry ā€¦)

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This is all true but itā€™s also already true for any progressive because eDems gonna eDem so might as well shoot your shot. Bernie wouldnā€™t have had nearly as much momentum in 2020 if he hadnā€™t gone up against the anointed HRC in 2016,

Right but while they line up against them in any primary and make sure they donā€™t win, they donā€™t ice them out for running, or ice out anyone who works with them. Like they didnā€™t begrudge Bernie his run in 2016, they were mad he stayed in too long in their view, but they probably wanted him to run initially - they didnā€™t want her anointed unopposed and he wasnā€™t viewed as a serious candidate.

What Iā€™m saying is if AOC ran against a sitting president in the primary, she probably wouldnā€™t get endorsed by the Jayapalā€™s and Khannaā€™s of the world. Not in that run and never again unless/until she managed to take over the party herself.

Thatā€™s all indictment of the system to some extent, although itā€™s bad for any party to primary their own president, for obvious reasons, so I get it. Itā€™s also an indictment of the majority of progressives in Congress who would rather play ball than stand up (which is why they alllllways get rolled on legislation), and itā€™s also an indictment of the true motives of that class of progressives.

But thatā€™s the way it is imo.

Weird I donā€™t recall that Trump press conference at all. Either I had the presence of mind to not watch it at the time, or that four years cost me more of my mind than I thought.

Youā€™re supposed to destroy your girlfriends life to prove that your purity is gleaming white. Until tomorrow and then youā€™ll be told that itā€™s still not enough and that you are a shitlib asshole fuckface moron.

Itā€™s a fun game, try it!


Also you canā€™t eat a nice meal or buy anything nice. Deal breakers.


He gave a stupid press conference almost every day. But the time you might have heard about this really stupid press conference, he was probably half way through his next even stupider press conference.

The comparison video of that press conference to Obamas Bin Laden one is way better imo.