The Presidency of the Joes, part II: lol documents

Are large corporate donors pissed off? Huh, no? Weird!

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It will pay off because no one with the time to post on a message board will ever consider voting for a third party. Long screeds will be written and then these same people will file into the booth to vote for war criminal deporters that funnel money to the rich. Draw a line in the sand and vote your principles

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The Dems have never been remotely okay on [INSERT LITERALLY ANY ISSUE HERE]. They’re better than Republicans in that they’re against [INSERT OVERTLY CRUEL/STUPID THING THAT RIGHT-WINGERS ARE PUSHING].


Ha! Jokes on you, I have voted for both the NDP and the Green Party! I’m so woke I voted for a FOURTH party! You’re a corporate sell out for voting for a third party, go hug your Joe Biden anime pillow.

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Adding to the border failure frustration is the fact that the right will get a not insignificant amount of votes from screaming “Bidens open border policy is ruining america!!!1!!”. He is literally following the heartless Republican playbook and will manage to (justly) lose votes from the left and votes from people who actually want what he is doing but are told the opposite.

Democrats still thinking they’ll win over no college whites with terrible policy. Incredible stuff


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Words don’t mean as much as actions, they may pay lip service to those ideals but they are much more effective in silencing progressive dissent than doing anything meaningful on those fronts.

Paging Psaki defenders

US military definitely not known for lying, especially about people dying in the Middle East

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If only they were as pure and virtuous as us! One day, perhaps.


That reporter is Ayesha Rascoe, one of the better crop of young NPR reporters.

WASHINGTON—In a development they described as a “fortuitous coincidence,” top Pentagon officials confirmed Thursday they were pleasantly surprised to discover ISIS leader Abu Ibrahim al-Hashimi al-Qurashi was killed during their indiscriminate bombing of the Middle East. “In the early hours of the morning, American forces stumbled onto the ISIS leader’s body and concluded he had been taken out at some point during our routine scattershot bombing of the region,” said Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin, describing the “unexpected treat” of pulling the corpse of the terrorist commander from rubble containing dead civilians from several unrelated U.S. drone strikes.


No one is ever as pure and virtuous as us … not even us!

What do you suggest?

It’s really scary that this all sounded completely plausible to me, and I didn’t even think Onion and glance back up until I got to the last sentence.

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Because we are not conservatives, we should focus on attacking each other for not being left enough or for being too left, it’s our way. We certainly don’t want to unify in response to the existential threat of fascism that is bad for all of us. That would be crazy.

democrats are doing fascism right now idiot

Just a little light fascism.

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Satire is dead, I thought if was real as well. Even after reading the last sentence, I didn’t know it was Onion until I read your post.

I want Trump to describe this shit for us again. ISIS leader was crying, weeping for mercy after our brave powerful warfighters defeated him, and through the tears he detonated a big bomb killing himself and his whole family the end